4 Ways Performance Review Software Can Help Improve Performance Reviews

by Srikant Chellappa Apr 14,2016

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

Did you ever think that one day there would be software through which you could carry out a performance review?I’m not sure many people, me included, ever thought that one day there would exist software applications that can carry out performance reviews, ensure continuous feedback, foster employee engagement and communication etc.

The reason why we develop software applications is that they tend to make a lot of processes easier for us. Online payment gateways make it easier for us to engage in e-commerce. Mobile apps make it easier for us to get more use out of our smart phones and tabs because everything is only a click away.

Similarly, HR applications exist because let us face it, many HR processes are a pain to use, especially since they are run in a traditional fashion and are not adapted to today’s world and workforce.

But what’s wrong with annual performance reviews?

If you are a frequent purveyor of HR blogs, you should be aware of the amount of bad press that traditional performance reviews get. Every year, especially right around the end of financial year, the time during which performance reviews are usually held, there are calls for the entire process to be killed.

How can software help?

I agree. Traditional performance reviews are not helpful or useful. However, I don’t think the process should be killed as such. Performance reviews are not inherently bad. It is the way that they are interpreted and carried out that makes them bad.

And I definitely think performance review software can help improve performance reviews. Here is how they can do that.

  1. Gets rid of clutter – Traditional performance reviews are paper-based and as a result unwieldy. Moving from paper-based performance reviews to performance review software on the other hand results in the process becoming digital first and first foremost, thereby doing away with the clutter of paper.
  2. Handy records – Performance review software allows you to access the objectives and goals of an employee, previous performance reviews etc when a current performance review is being carried out. It helps the reviewer conduct and informed and knowledgeable review.
  3. Easy to use – Performance reviews can become difficult when one has to fill out form after form, cannot access older reviews and resources etc. But with software, it becomes a lot easier. There are no hoops or permissions to jump through and even if there, they can all be expedited through the press of a button.
  4. Your physical presence is not required – I am serious. One of the benefits of performance review software is that is does not require the employee or manager to be in each other’s pockets or spaces for most of the review. They review can be carried out without them and even be finished without them even meeting each other. If your organization has a lot of remote employees, then carrying out performance reviews for them also becomes easier.

Engagedly’s performance management feature is comprehensive and streamlined. If you want to see how our application can help you, request a demo!

Srikant Chellappa
CEO & Co-Founder of Engagedly

Srikant Chellappa is the Co-Founder and CEO at Engagedly and is a passionate entrepreneur and people leader. He is an author, producer/director of 6 feature films, a music album with his band Manchester Underground, and is the host of The People Strategy Leaders Podcast. He is currently working on his next book, Ikigai at the Workplace, which is slated for release in the fall of 2024.

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