5 Creative Employee Recognition Tips For 2024

by Kylee Stone Jan 31,2020

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

Employee recognition is a method to highlight the efforts of your employees and motivate them to perform better.

A core part of any organisation pursuing employee engagement and employee recognition encourages its employees to stay loyal to the organisation for a longer period of time and to continuously improve themselves. If you are looking for improvement in your organisation and to develop a mutually contributing environment, employee recognition is a good way to start.

Employee Of The Month

Employee of the month is the designated best performing employee of a particular month. In this regard, you need to organize a monthly office gathering to recognize the highest performer of the month. This is done by analyzing the monthly performance rate of your employees. Employee of the month is a great way to boost your employee morale and motivate others to give their best efforts.

Also read: 7 Steps To Starting An Employee Recognition Program At Your Business

ABCD Award

Above and beyond the call of duty award is for the employees who have:

  • Set high standards of integrity by leading
  • Show initiative and accountability for their assigned task
  • Make positive impact by knowledge sharing and building links within the industry

ABCD award will benefit your organisation by recognizing the highly involved employee as a role model and encourage other employees to follow the footsteps towards greater involvement.

Personalized Gifts

Knowing the names of your employees is a significant part but doesn’t aid employee recognition. As an HR manager, you may collaborate with particular team managers and send handwritten thank you notes or personalized goodies for your high performing employees.

Indeed, it is a time-consuming process, but the result brings joy to your employees. Satisfied employees generally have higher performance rate and dedication towards their organisation.

Acknowledge Your Employees

Your employees are more likely to remember an acknowledgement post on their feedback wall more than a verbal praise. Both of these methods have their own importance yet as an HR manager, you should implement regular public praise. Further, this will inspire your employees to keep up their efforts.

Also read: Gratitude Is A Part Of Employee Recognition Too

Smile — It’s Contagious

A smile takes a fraction of seconds to inflict positivity. Greeting your employees with a smile sounds like a regular practice but it makes them feel more included in your organisation. Smiling builds up a mutual trust in your employees, therefore, motivating them to easily merge in and contribute on a broader scale.

Employee recognition can be implemented in numerous ways but the first step towards it is to have a conducive workplace culture. A positive work culture starts with appreciation of the high performing employees. This is how you can create an engaged workforce, continuously developing employees and retain them for a longer period.

If you want to know how Engagedly can help you with creating an engaging workforce, request a personalized demo and talk to our experts!

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Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.

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