Insights from Engagedly’s State of AI in HRM, 2nd Edition Survey.
High performance teams are engaged, dedicated, and produce extraordinary results. They help organizations sail through tough times and turn challenges into opportunities. Creating a high performance team requires changing the organizational culture and offer exemplary support to employees.
According to Harvard Business Review, there are three psychological needs that are essential for creating a high-performance team:
But how can one differentiate between a results-and-performance oriented team and one that is not?
Members of a high performance team have high levels of enthusiasm. They are enthusiastic about all aspects of a project, right to the littlest detail, and they are genuinely invested in seeing projects through to the end. Enthusiasm in all forms is infectious and can spread pretty quickly.
High performance team members are dedicated to their jobs. When given projects or work assignments, they see them through the end and make-sure that all aspects of their assignment/project are correct, down to the smallest detail. They also pay great attention to detail and will not skip parts of a project in order to reach a completion date quicker.
Members of performance-oriented teams have the freedom to decide about projects, capabilities, and colleagues, etc, which are well within reason, of course. This freedom to make necessary decisions without having to dog a superior for permission allows high-performance teams to produce extraordinary results.
In high performance teams with ingrained group cohesiveness, team members get along with each other extremely well. They provide help whenever they can and in case of any problem/issue, they can step in immediately to pick up slack because they are well-primed on what their team-members are doing most of the time.
And finally, the most important characteristic of all. In a team that always performs above and beyond the mark, you find that all the members of the team possess a united vision about the company and its values. They are aware of a company’s values, share the company’s values and actively work towards upholding those values!
Remember, a high-performance team will not just possess one of these characteristics. Rather, they possess all of these characteristics and maybe more, though those may be specific to the field they are working in!
Do you agree with our list of high performance team characteristics? And do you have more characteristics to share?
Srikant Chellappa is the Co-Founder and CEO at Engagedly and is a passionate entrepreneur and people leader. He is an author, producer/director of 6 feature films, a music album with his band Manchester Underground, and is the host of The People Strategy Leaders Podcast. He is currently working on his next book, Ikigai at the Workplace, which is slated for release in the fall of 2024.
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