How to Build a High-Performing Organisational Culture

by Kylee Stone Feb 21,2020

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

Every organisation strives towards cultivating a high performing work culture. When employee retention is low and they leave after lodging multiple complaints, it’s a sign you need to look deeper into your company’s culture.

A study by says:

Despite estimated average annual spending of more than $2,000 per employee, only three in 10 HR leaders are confident their organisation has the culture it needs to drive future business performance.

If you wish to be one of those confident leaders, here are the steps to follow in order to establish a high-performing organisational culture.

Step 1: Understand company culture:

You can determine your company’s culture by the way things are actioned there. A high-performing culture has deep-rooted impact in all areas of an organisation and leads to enhanced engagement and productivity. It also leads to high amount of employee retention.

Also read: Create a Positive Workplace Culture For Your Employees

Step 2: Know what is high-performance culture:

A high-performance culture propels an organisation to reach superior results.

As mentioned above, company culture is why and how things get done in an organisation. So  create a structure where customer requirements and employee welfare are well aligned with your company goals. That way your company will be all set to retain employees and enjoy great innovations and financial successes.

Step 3: Hold a survey to measure a high-performance culture.

Here are some pointers you can use to measure:

  • Level of understanding and belief in the company values and vision
  • Whether the company provides a comfortable atmosphere where people can perform well and thrive
  • Policies and resources that are in place to help employees feel secure and balanced
  • Employee happiness quotient
  • How well the employees are able to convey, receive and assimilate information and reproduce results accordingly
  • Level of cooperation and sharing among employees
  • How well a company is able to respond to opportunities coming their way
  • How open the organisation is to new ideas, and if the employees are allowed to think out of the box
  • How well employees take responsibility for their actions and enjoy certain amount of decision-making power
  • Coordination and support at individual and at team levels as well as confidence on leadership
  • Whether employees are appreciated for their achievements and efforts

Also read: People Don’t Leave Jobs, They Leave Bad Bosses And Toxic Work-cultures!

Step 4: Chalk out a plan of action and enhance employee engagement:

Once you’ve measured where your company stands in terms of delivering a high-performance culture, draw out a strategy to scale up the levels. Brief the leaders about this strategy and ask them to encourage and guide their respective teams accordingly. Employee engagement is a very important aspect of a high performing organisational culture. It will help in instilling faith in employees, towards the organisation.

Now that you know how to build a high-performance work culture, we would love to hear what you think is important in order to build and maintain such an atmosphere.

Fill the form below to find out more about how Engagedly can help you improve your workplace culture!

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Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.


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