Employee Engagement Software Can Enhance Work Culture

by Kylee Stone Jun 29,2020

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

We understand if you are skimming through this article with certain amount of scepticism in mind. It’s common to see software marketed as if it will be able to revolutionize a business and bring about extraordinary results, with a simple download or connection to a cloud-based app.

However, it’s up to you, the decision maker and the end user, to deduce if a software is really all that it claims. Not every software is made the same. Some software can seamlessly reduce time on a task and improve efficiency, some can be a lot more personal and human and can enhance employee satisfaction or employee engagement. It is important for you to gauge which software will help you improve employee engagement, and in turn, your work culture.

First you need to know what is employee engagement in order to understand why we place so much emphasis on employees being engaged.

Also read: Here’s How You Can Boost Employee Engagement in Your Organization

Defining Employee Engagement:

To put it forth rather simply, employee engagement can be defined as the extent unto which employees are invested in their job, and put in the amount of effort that is needed to get a job done. To top it, engaged employees also often more committed to their organization, and they align their own beliefs and values to that of the organization.

Why is it important?

To become successful, organisations lean heavily on the following factors:

  1. Good leadership
  2. Business practices
  3. Engaged employees
  4. Quality of products and services

Only in the recent times, people are realising that employee engagement is not just another buzzword that is thrown around by the HR. It is a real thing and if an organization can maintain high level of engaged employees, it’s extremely beneficial.

Engaged employees are naturally motivated and engaged. So they tend to  work not only for tangible rewards such as raises, promotions and benefits, but also for intangible ones. These intangible rewards vary based on the employee. It could be personal goals for learning, skills training or professional development. It could also be social recognition from peers or managers as an authentic and deserved recognition for a job well done.

In this case, workplace culture also matters. Engaged employees feel motivated in a workplace that is creative, collaborative and highlights how each individual adds to the workplace with their unique talents, skills and abilities.

Improve with Employee Engagement Software:

Yes it can really help improve workplace culture. A good employee engagement software can take what is already there and enhance it even further. You need to keep in mind that employee engagement software is highly successful when a workplace has a culture that actively fosters employee participation, employee satisfaction and employee engagement.

With a good employee engagement software, in addition to employees participating in the day to day activities of an organization, peer recognition is also possible. Having a peer thank you for the information you provided, a creative solution, or handling a problem he or she was struggling with, is also a great way of building engagement and seeing the company as “ours” to improve, rather than as a place to go to work.

Such software can also make it easier for managers to give and receive feedback and recognize employees publicly, an act which is effective at bolstering employee engagement.

Employees can log into their own personal account to receive and provide feedback, recognition or to even browse training programs to find the ones they want to take.

In conclusion, employee engagement software can really help improve workplace climate, but only if the organization in question has a culture of employee engagement and wants to improve it. In case if you are wondering how Engagedly might be able to help, just fill in the form below and connect with us.

Also read: Everything Depends on the Right Kind of Goal Setting. Here’s Why


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Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.


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