360 Degree Feedback: Definition | Benefits | Process

by Kylee Stone Jul 29,2023

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

What is 360-Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback is a performance evaluation method that gathers feedback from various sources surrounding an individual, providing a comprehensive view of their abilities and performance. It typically involves input from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes even external stakeholders.

This holistic approach aims to offer a well-rounded perspective on an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions within an organization. The feedback gathered from multiple angles helps in fostering personal and professional development, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting a more comprehensive understanding of one’s impact on the work environment.

Also Read: Importance of 360-Degree Feedback for Hybrid and Remote Employees

360-Degree Feedback System Process

Before you start, there are many things to think about when creating a 360-degree feedback process. The key steps to get you started on your planning, from defining the purpose to piloting the process, are listed below.

360 degree feedback system process

1. Clearly state your goal and plan

Nowadays, the use of 360-degree feedback is so widespread that it may feel as though your business is missing out if it isn’t already using one. However, you won’t know if your investment was worthwhile if you don’t make a strategic choice about what you hope to achieve with 360-degree feedback.

Therefore, before you get started, think about how a 360 feedback initiative ties into both your business and talent strategies.

Be sure to respond to these inquiries:

  • Do you need this? What business problem are you trying to resolve, and how can a 360-degree assessment help?
  • Why at this time? Why is this a top priority?
  • It is for whom? Who will get 360-degree feedback? Why is including this specific group essential to providing the best solution to your business problem?
  • What results do you hope your organizational 360-degree feedback initiative will produce?

2. Organize yourself

A 360-degree feedback implementation can be difficult. Despite improvements in data collection and reporting technology, many people still need to follow the rules for this to function properly.

When organizing the launch of a 360-degree feedback initiative, pay close attention to the ‘when’ and the ‘who’.

When: Create a calendar that details the deadlines, milestones, and ways that participants can keep track of their rater return rates as the process progresses.
Who: Think about who will perform the necessary duties, such as serving as your point of contact with the 360 vendors, your internal process administrator, and your participant point of contact.

3. Develop trust

People feel more comfortable giving frank and genuine 360-degree feedback in an environment that is psychologically safe and characterized by trust and openness.

It’s crucial to establish clarity right away. The confidentiality of the data and the anonymity of the rater responses need to be addressed. An organization does not own the results of an individual’s assessment, but it can view a group profile.

4. Obtain help

Keep in mind that a solid communication strategy is necessary for the implementation of the organizational 360 processes as you prepare to launch it. Ensure that administrative roles and procedures are clear in order to have a positive, long-lasting impact. Make a timetable that is reasonable and communicate it.

It is ineffective to simply send terse emails to every employee announcing the launch of a new program. Engage employees by announcing your organization’s new 360-degree feedback initiative in a compelling and distinctive way that goes beyond merely informing them about it.

5. Make a link to the growth

Assessment entails obtaining, analyzing, and discussing a 360-degree feedback report. However, development follows, and for organizations, development is the most important factor.
For the organization and the individual to maximize the effectiveness of implementing a 360 initiative, a process for developing a development plan, as well as support and follow-through, are required.

Also Read: 10 Employee Feedback Tools In 2023| Features| Pricing| Usage

Develop a productive organizational 360-degree process by:

  • Outline the objectives for the 360-degree feedback initiative
  • Discuss corporate and individual readiness
  • Create the procedure
  • Choose or create the tool
  • Identify and prepare participants
  • Organize the company
  • Conduct the evaluation
  • Analyze the findings and broaden your knowledge

The Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback System

A lot of people successfully use this feedback process. Here are some of the main benefits that businesses all over the world have experienced as a result of this strategy:.

benefits of 360-degree feedback

1. Improves Self-Awareness

This strategy aids in raising people’s awareness. When others offer feedback, a person receives a complete picture of themselves that is unbiased.

2. Offers a Complete Perspective of Strengths and Weaknesses

A 360-degree review is a fantastic tool for identifying a leader’s assets and liabilities. Employees typically receive feedback only from their supervisor, which results in a limited viewpoint.

The safe disclosure of those ’blind spots’ is one of the main purposes of 360-degree feedback. When they become weaknesses, these blind spots can hurt both the company and the leader.

Finding previously unidentified strengths can be very advantageous for the leader and the business. The key issue is that they need to be constructively brought to light because the leader is unaware of them.

Most growth happens when a person’s strength is revealed, and then efforts are made to strengthen it. Concurrent work on improvement areas can keep them from becoming a barrier.

3. Elevates Morale and Increases Confidence

Your leaders’ confidence can be raised significantly through this process. Positive criticism frequently helps leaders feel more confident about their abilities.

Even the company’s leaders might start to feel better. In the workplace, this raises morale. The important thing in this condition is that the criticism is given constructively.

4. Promotes an Open Culture

The procedure will be more transparent if leaders receive the necessary training before beginning. Individuals, teams, and environments that are more open can be more effective.

5. Gives Employees and Leaders More Power

It’s critical that managers and staff members feel heard. People quickly feel less empowered and disengage when they believe they have no voice in a situation.

Employees eventually start to believe that they don’t matter to the organization as a result of this. They will become disengaged and eventually leave if they are not given a voice and empowerment. Making sure that your employees are heard improves their motivation and sense of empowerment.

6. Lowers Employee and Leader Turnover

Open and constructive communication makes hidden problems more visible. Additionally, it gives your leaders and employees more voice and a sense of empowerment.

Plans for long-term development can focus on the issues that need to be solved. Because they feel valued and validated, your leaders and employees stay with the company.

7. Improves Accountability

The increased accountability provided by 360-degree feedback is one notable advantage. Through this procedure, leaders can effectively and constructively hold others accountable.

8. Serves as a Springboard for Efficient, Professional Growth

Individual leaders should begin with 360-degree evaluation feedback. Problems frequently fester and escalate in the absence of such a program. These systems, on the other hand, help identify areas for improvement.

9. Encourages Constant Improvement

The fundamental concept of continuous improvement is that it is an ongoing process. Despite the fact that both can contribute to growth, it prioritizes gradual change over revolutionary change.

This training is ideal for continuous improvement because it identifies areas for improvement. It does, however, provide a method for addressing them gradually.

10. It’s a Way to Alter the Culture of Your Business

Every individual must evolve, or they will become static. The same is true for businesses. They must adapt, or they will stay the same and be stuck in the past.
Corporate change is challenging to implement because it requires everyone to shift their paradigms.

This kind of transformation needs to occur internally. Before you notice a significant change in the organization, you must help your employees grow. 360-degree feedback is built on the idea that personal change leads to professional change.

Also Read: Want to Know Why Your 360-Degree Feedback Failed?

What can you use 360-Degree Feedback System for?

1. Using 360-degree feedback as a development tool to help staff members identify their ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’, and improve

When used correctly, 360 is a powerful tool for development. People have the chance to give anonymous feedback to a coworker that they might otherwise feel uncomfortable doing so through the feedback process. Recipients of feedback learn how others see them and have the chance to change their behavior and get the skills that will aid them in excelling at their jobs.

2. Using 360-degree feedback as a tool for performance evaluation to assess employee performance

Although it’s a common practice, using a 360-degree feedback system for performance appraisals isn’t always a good idea. When using 360 evaluations to assess performance, it can be challenging to design a 360 feedback process that fosters a culture of trust. Furthermore, rather than emphasizing fundamental abilities, functional requirements, and performance goals, 360-degree feedback emphasizes behaviors and competencies. The employee and manager should discuss these issues as part of the annual review and performance appraisal process. Unambiguous communication about how 360 feedback will be used is necessary for the integration of 360 feedback into a larger performance management process to be successful.

360-degree Feedback


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the pros of 360-degree feedback System at work?

Ans. Some of the advantages of using 360-degree feedback at work include:

  • Enhances organizational culture by providing an opportunity for discernment
  • Encourages improved communication
  • Increases employee retention

Q2. What is the effectiveness of the 360-degree feedback appraisal review system?

Ans. If used correctly, a 360-degree feedback appraisal review system can be very effective. People who fill out these forms must understand what type of information they require in order to provide it accurately.

Over time, it has been demonstrated that this type of evaluation process has a significant impact on employee engagement and performance. Employees are more likely to stay engaged with their jobs when they believe their work matters and that they are valued members of the team, which leads to higher levels of productivity and profitability for the company!

Q3. How do you implement a 360-degree feedback System?

Ans. Here are some suggestions for conducting 360-degree feedback:

  • Keep it private so that your employees are more likely, to tell the truth
  • Ascertain the managers are involved and committed to acting on the findings
  • Provide clear instructions to ensure that comments remain constructive
  • Remember to follow up once the results are in
  • Make a plan for following up on the follow-up to avoid this becoming a one-time event
Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.


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