3 Simple Ways To Improve Employee Engagement This Week

by Kylee Stone Apr 12,2019

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

Employee engagement should be a major priority in any people-centric workplace. Engagement goes beyond “satisfaction” or “morale.” Engagement includes the degree to which employees feel connected with the organization, their colleagues, and aligned with the values of the company.

When employees feel connected, valued, and committed to the organization and the people they work with, they are inspired and motivated to optimize their work. They want to go the extra mile and they are much more likely to recognize the meaning and purpose behind what they do. Compared to employees who are actively disengaged, engaged employees are measurably more productive, efficient and even have better attendance at work than their disengaged peers–all of which factor into a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

We’ve talked about the drivers of employee engagement: like the employee’s relationship with their manager, the availability of career opportunities and growth, caring and competent senior leaders, good work conditions, and pride in working for the organization. Now we want to give you three easy, tangible strategies to help generate those drivers.

Generate Pride:

What has your organization done lately that you can be proud of? Di? What recognition did you receive? Often, the wins of an organization –big or small- are discussed amongst senior leadership. But whether it’s a ranking on an industry list, a media mention or a glowing testimonial from a customer, by sharing those wins with everyone, you can generate a sense of pride in your employees. It makes people feel good to belong to organizations that are doing positive work.

Also Read: Performance Management Gone Virtual And More Progressive

Show Care:

When was the last time that you asked how well your employees are managing their workload? Or if they have all of the resources that they need to be successful? Do you ever ask if there is anything you can do to provide or help? Even if you know the answers to these questions already (perhaps through calculations or secondhand information), taking the time to ask them can show that you care about their wellbeing and that you’re invested in ensuring that they don’t burn-out and are ultimately successful on the job.

Continue to Build the Relationship:  

Relationship building is an ongoing practice that requires consistency and maintenance. If you haven’t checked in with your employees to see how they’re doing–not just as employees- but as people with lives outside of work, then you should make it a point to do that this week. This doesn’t mean being invasive or asking them to disclose details of their personal lives that make them uncomfortable–but something as simple as asking what their plans are for the weekend, if they’ve read or watched anything interesting lately, or how their hobbies are going, can go a long way in strengthening your connection.

Building an engaged culture is a feat that requires effort, investment and strategy, and tools like Engagedly are designed to help streamline that process and better integrate engagement into the foundation of your organization–but while you’re setting up those systems, you can take small steps towards improvement today.

How can Engagedly improve employee engagement at your organization? Request a demo today!

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Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.


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