Tips for Employee Recognition and Rewards

by Kylee Stone Mar 26,2022

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

According to a recent study, 69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated.

Employee recognition and rewards in the workplace is one of the main drivers of employee engagement and retention in any company. Employees tend to stay motivated and more focused to reap the benefits of their hard work. Everyone likes being appreciated, especially when it is for their work. It increases the overall productivity of the employees and that of the organization.

But very often, it becomes a laborious task for organizations and leaders to think of an effective employee recognition practice. In this article, we have discussed some simple tips for employee recognition.

Public Praise

When an employee is publicly praised, they feel valued. Organization-wide employee recognition lets the employee know that their contribution is valued by the team as well by the organization. This is more effective than any employee recognition happening between two people. It always has a huge positive impact on the employee, and boosts employee morale and confidence. 

Engagedly’s public praise option allows employees to praise each other for accomplishments and work done along with points. The praises are visible to everyone in the organization.

Employee of the Month

‘Employee of the Month’ is an effective employee recognition process that helps in recognizing the best-performing employees of a particular month. This not only helps to recognize employee’s efforts on time but also keeps up their enthusiasm towards work. Most employees expect recognition as soon as their work is over. When employees are recognized half-yearly or annually, it simply reduces their consistency in performance. Programmes like Employee of the Month induce positive competition among peers. A simple gathering or an email can be sent to all the members of the organization to announce the employee of the month. Organizing corporate awards to recognize employees and gifting them a glass or crystal award is another excellent approach to demonstrate the worth and significance of your workers to the business.

Also Read: Is Lack Of Employee Recognition Damaging To The Company?

Time Off

Every employee would love some official time off from their work, but hardly any organization or HR considers this as an effective way to reward employees. Often, employees put in extra hours to achieve their goals, so surprise time off would be a great initiative to reward them. Employees can be given time off on their birthdays and anniversaries to spend time with their families. Such time-offs will not only help them rejuvenate, but will also help them feel important, special, and valued. 

Studies suggest people who take time off from work have higher productivity when compared with employees who don’t.

In-Person Effort

As per a study by Gallup, 28% of the most memorable recognition comes from an employee’s manager. 

Often employees just need a simple pat on the back by their managers or a handwritten thank-you note to let them know that their contribution matters. As a manager, whenever you see your direct reports performing well, give them a pat on the back and let them know that they are doing good. If not a pat, then just drop a handwritten thank-you note on their desk. This might look simple but has a great impact on the employee and is one of the most effective employee recognition techniques.

Also Read: 7 Common Employee Recognition Mistakes

Employee’s Professional Development

Employees always need a reason to stay, as a manager or the HR of your organization, sit down with your employee and have a good chat to know about their professional development plans. It shows that you want them to stay and you value their work and want to see them grow professionally. Managers can guide and send important information, which will help them achieve their goals faster. Employees will appreciate the efforts, and they will stay in the same organization for a longer time.

Lunches and Outings

Team lunches, after-office dinner parties or outings can be organized by managers to recognize employees for their efforts.  This will not only make them feel special but will also help them take their mind off of their daily schedule. This is not only a good opportunity for all managers to connect with their employees but also for employees to know each other better.

Also Read: The Power Of Positive Employee Recognition

Peer-to-Peer Employee Recognition

As per studies by SHRM, 41% of companies that use peer-to-peer recognition have seen marked positive increases in customer satisfaction. 

One of the most common feedback recognition and reward techniques is having a peer-to-peer employee recognition program in place. It allows employees to recognize each other for their work. This can be done either by one common bulletin board or through the organization website. Peer recognition creates a positive working culture in the organization. It improves employee engagement, which in turn helps in improved retention and productivity.

Engagedly’s 360 degree feedback allows you to recognize and provide feedback to your peers. 

Gift Cards

Gift Cards are a great way to recognize and reward employees at your workplace. For example employees who have completed five or ten years of service can be given a gift card as a token of appreciation. In this way organizations are saved from the burden of buying gifts or offering incentives and bonuses to employees. On the other hand employees can buy what they want. 

Also Read: Employee Rewards And Recognition: Tips To Show Your Remote Employees That You Care

So why let your valuable employees go? Follow some of the employee recognition and rewards strategies mentioned above to have a workforce that works with better focus and positivity, which in turn leads to higher employee engagement and retention.

Rewards and Recognition Module

Kylee Stone

Kylee Stone supports the professional services team as a CX intern and psychology SME. She leverages her innate creativity with extensive background in psychology to support client experience and organizational functions. Kylee is completing her master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at the University of Missouri Science and Technology emphasizing in Applied workplace psychology and Statistical Methods.


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