Promote Good Work-Life Balance With The Right HR Management Software

by Srikant Chellappa Sep 7,2017

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

What Is Work-Life Balance?

Work/ life balance is one of the most vital aspects of the corporate world. It is not clear what work/life balance actually signifies. It means different things to different people. For a few, it is about dividing one’s time between work life and home life effectively; and for others it is about being able to engage in self-care and personal development as they further their professional lives.

Rachel Ritlop, the founder of ‘The Confused Millennial’ mentions in her article ‘9 Millennials Share What Work-Life Balance Means To Them’ on Forbes, what different successful millennials think about work-life balance. (Follow her on Twitter). As you can see in the article, work-life balance doesn’t have one standard different. A lot of people tend to define it differently. However, the gist of it remains the same. Most of us are looking for a successful marriage of our professional and private lives that allows us to live fulfilling lives and don’t want to be overwhelmed by either.

Why Is It Important For Your Employees?

Balancing work and life is important for everybody. Work-life balance not only helps individuals (in the sense that it gives us emotional fulfillment) but also increases the overall productivity of an organization. As an employer, you should focus more on your employees’ work-life balance because it does the following things:

  • Boosts Employee Morale
  • Motivates the Workforce
  • Creates a Happy Work Environment
  • Reduces Stress Levels
  • Improves Employee Health And Wellness
  • Increases Productivity
  • Increases Focus
  • Helps Employees Manage The Time Better
  • Improves Employee Engagement
  • Improves Team Relations

How Can A Web-Based HR Software Help Your Employees Develop The Balance?

A web-based HR or employee management software doesn’t magically solve all your organization’s work-life balance problems. In fact, there’s no magic cure for it. A web-based HR software however is one of the many solutions that can help improve the work-life balance deficit in an organization. Here’s how it can help your employees develop good work-life balance.

Clear Goal Setting

Different HR management software work differently but most of the HR/Employee management software allow you to set clear goals for yourself and your employees. These goals can be tracked, and the goal progress is usually visible to employees and managers as well. This gives employees a better understanding of what they should be focusing on and what they need to do to complete those goals.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why Goal Setting Is Important

Tracking Time And Activities

Time management is one of the most important aspects that helps you promote a good work-life balance. This HR / Employee management software help you keep track of your time and activities either through maintaining time sheets, shareable to-do lists, getting work-based reminders etc.

Maintain Structural Consistency

Maintaining a consistent structure at work is one of the most important things that most organizations seem to ignore. This helps employees reduce their stress levels because their work patterns are predictable and steady. A HR/ Employee management system can help you to maintain the structural consistency of work at your workplace by allowing you to set goals and tasks for your employees way ahead of time, thereby giving employees time to adjust and adapt.

Prioritizing Tasks

Most of HR management systems have task managers which allow your employees to create tasks lists. These task lists can serve as to-do lists or visible reminders and help employees prioritize their tasks better. And once employees are able to prioritize their tasks, it takes away the feeling of being overwhelmed by work, which is turn promotes work-life balance.

Also Read: 5 Best Tips To Reduce Employee Turnover

Nurturing Your Network

One of the most important issues that destroys work-life balance is not being able to nurture team relations. When you work with a team it is important to operate as a team. Web-based HR/employee management software usually have a social component that allow employees to communicate with each other, regardless of time and distance.  It is important to remember, that at work, all communication does not need to be work-based. Sometimes, its the simple act of saying hello or having a small chat that brings teams closer. Frequent communication, be verbally or through software is one of way of nurturing a network!

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Srikant Chellappa
CEO & Co-Founder of Engagedly

Srikant Chellappa is the Co-Founder and CEO at Engagedly and is a passionate entrepreneur and people leader. He is an author, producer/director of 6 feature films, a music album with his band Manchester Underground, and is the host of The People Strategy Leaders Podcast. He is currently working on his next book, Ikigai at the Workplace, which is slated for release in the fall of 2024.


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