How Can HR Contribute to Improving Employee Experience

by Srikant Chellappa Mar 27,2019

The People Strategy Leaders Podcast

with Srikant Chellappa, CEO

Employee experience is everything that an employee experiences at work from their on-boarding, interactions with their boss and other teams to the process of their work and their exit interview. It is about offering the best working experience to your employees.

“Nearly 80% of executives rated employee experience very important (42%) or important (38%), but only 22 % reported that their companies were excellent at building a differentiated employee experience.” – Deloitte

Employee experience is an important aspect in today’s competitive world where every company wants to hire the best talent. With various platforms that are out there, to give a glimpse of company culture to the outer world, it is crucial to focus on employee experience.

Here are few tips for you to improve employee experience as an HR.


Evaluate the current culture at your workplace and understand the impact that it has on your employees. Understand the basic work processes at the workplace and find out which processes need to be improved. Take this opportunity to find the points that are holding back a creative and engaging workplace culture. It is important to understand that you cannot bring about change overnight. Observe and carefully evaluate your current company culture.

Once you evaluate your company culture and current employee experience, make a proper plan based on your priorities. This list may differ for different industries.


Communication is one of the most important yet ignored aspect in most companies. Most companies stick to using emails for communication. This sure is reliable but, it doesn’t make it seem like the lines of communication are open. Create time to communicate with various levels of individuals in your organization. Try to communicate your purpose and plan so that employees stay clear about why you want to focus on employee experience.


One of the common reasons why employee experience fails is because there’s no scope for employee development. Pay attention to signs of employee burnout and help the employees. As an HR, you will be able to access employee performance reports based on which you can create learning opportunities for employees and encourage them to utilize them. Make them feel confident and validated with learning and development.

Also read: 5 Reasons To Have Learning Management System At Workplace


If you want to enhance employee experience in your workplace, then you need more than just one perspective on how to do it. Encourage your employees to share feedback frequently with each other and ask them to give you feedback about how you can enhance your employee experience. As an HR, you can implement various other platforms at your workplace that allow your employees to collaborate with each other better and share feedback frequently.


One of the reasons for employees quitting unsatisfied is that they feel undervalued at work. Employee retention is very important for every organization and recognition is the key tool to retain employees. As an HR, you can help retain your workforce and reinforce positive behaviors by rewarding and recognizing the good work of your employees. Creating a culture of employee recognition not only enhances employee experience but also engages employees and increases overall productivity.

Also read: 5 Keys To Successful Employee Recognition Programs

Do you want to know how Engagedly can help you enhance employee experience at your workplace? Talk to our experts!

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Srikant Chellappa
CEO & Co-Founder of Engagedly

Srikant Chellappa is the Co-Founder and CEO at Engagedly and is a passionate entrepreneur and people leader. He is an author, producer/director of 6 feature films, a music album with his band Manchester Underground, and is the host of The People Strategy Leaders Podcast. He is currently working on his next book, Ikigai at the Workplace, which is slated for release in the fall of 2024.

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