For The Leadership: Redefining How The World Works Today

In just a couple of months, employers all over the world have had to reset everything that had been normal until now. Millions of employees transitioned from being office goers to remote workers, because of COVID-19.

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Know How To Conduct One-On-One Meetings Effectively

Effective communication with team members is often a point of confusion these days. When employees do not see open lines of communication with their manager, or do not understand what is expected of them, they tend to quit.

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Here’s How An HRM Software Can Benefit You

Managing human resources is one of the most critical functions in any company. Its time-consuming and exhausting for an HR personnel. Instead, if you have a digitally automated HR management software in your organisation, it can ease many daily HR activities and solve management issues.

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Creative On-boarding Practices To Embrace In 2024

We’ve all been at that place where we are nervous about our first day at work but are equally excited. Imagine all that excitement and enthusiasm dying because of feeling unwelcome at your new office; sounds disastrous, doesn’t it?

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6 Workplace Trends HRs Should Be Ready For In 2024

With changing times, the way organizations function has changed a lot over the past few years. We all can agree upon one thing that the workplace culture in the future is going to be very different from the past decade work culture and trends.

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How Can HR Contribute to Improving Employee Experience

Employee experience is everything that an employee experiences at work from their on-boarding, interactions with their boss and other teams to the process of their work and their exit interview. It is about offering the best working experience to your employees.

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7 Signs That You’re A Micromanager

Micromanagement is the style of managing where managers tend to closely observe the work of their team members and try to be overly-controlling. Though some might think this approach works well for their team, the truth is that, micromanaging is demoralizing and destroys teamwork.

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5 HR Tips For A Successful Holiday Season

Holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. But if you ask HR managers, they would tell you a completely different story. It is that time of the year where the company culture shifts and all your employees are in a party mood which results in decreased overall productivity.

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5 Top HR Trends To Look Out For In 2018

Everything about Human Resources has been changing progressively – the hiring process, people analytics, the transition from paper-based to software systems etc. HR trends keep changing from time to time and it is important for everyone to stay informed on the current HR trends.

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4 Types Of Negative Co-Workers And How To Deal With Them

Landing on a job that you love is absolutely amazing; but there are a lot of other things that come along with the package that can change the way you look at your dream job.

Basic challenges like adjusting to the work environment or overwhelming workload can affect your amazing experience. One of the least spoken challenges that employees face at workplace is working with negative co-workers.

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The Different Kinds Of Awkward Situations At The Workplace

Every employee faces a little work-related awkwardness at least once, no matter how much they love their job. But sometimes, these situations can cause more damage to them than just a moment of embarrassment.

Here is a list of few such awkward workplace situations and ways to deal with them.   

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How To Monitor Mental Health At Your Workplace?

When we talk about workplace issues, many common problems like work-life balance, workplace bias and bullying come to our minds; but there is a less spoken issue which needs our focus right now : Mental health.

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Promote Good Work-Life Balance With The Right HR Management Software

What Is Work-Life Balance?

Work/ life balance is one of the most vital aspects of the corporate world. It is not clear what work/life balance actually signifies. It means different things to different people. For a few, it is about dividing one’s time between work life and home life effectively; and for others it is about being able to engage in self-care and personal development as they further their professional lives.

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7 Secret Signs That You May Be Fired Soon!

It’s just another day at work and you have planned something for yourself after work. For you, nothing can possibly go wrong today. But what’s worse than getting fired unexpectedly?

Finding out that you are terminated can be shocking, but there are few signs through which you can predict your termination and be prepared, at least with an updated resume.

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5 Things To Look For When Shifting From Paper-Based To Employee On-boarding Software

Shifting from paper-based practices to an employee on-boarding software is a huge change for both employees and the administration in an organization. Generally, the employee on-boarding process involves a lot of paper work. But with an employee on-boarding software, you can make the process easier and less paper-intense.

Before you shift from paper based employee on-boarding to a software, here’s a list of important things you should be looking for in the software you choose.

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