The Different Kinds Of Awkward Situations At The Workplace

Every employee faces a little work-related awkwardness at least once, no matter how much they love their job. But sometimes, these situations can cause more damage to them than just a moment of embarrassment.

Here is a list of few such awkward workplace situations and ways to deal with them.   

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How To Monitor Mental Health At Your Workplace?

When we talk about workplace issues, many common problems like work-life balance, workplace bias and bullying come to our minds; but there is a less spoken issue which needs our focus right now : Mental health.

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Promote Good Work-Life Balance With The Right HR Management Software

What Is Work-Life Balance?

Work/ life balance is one of the most vital aspects of the corporate world. It is not clear what work/life balance actually signifies. It means different things to different people. For a few, it is about dividing one’s time between work life and home life effectively; and for others it is about being able to engage in self-care and personal development as they further their professional lives.

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7 Secret Signs That You May Be Fired Soon!

It’s just another day at work and you have planned something for yourself after work. For you, nothing can possibly go wrong today. But what’s worse than getting fired unexpectedly?

Finding out that you are terminated can be shocking, but there are few signs through which you can predict your termination and be prepared, at least with an updated resume.

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5 Things To Look For When Shifting From Paper-Based To Employee On-boarding Software

Shifting from paper-based practices to an employee on-boarding software is a huge change for both employees and the administration in an organization. Generally, the employee on-boarding process involves a lot of paper work. But with an employee on-boarding software, you can make the process easier and less paper-intense.

Before you shift from paper based employee on-boarding to a software, here’s a list of important things you should be looking for in the software you choose.

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4 Paper-based HRM Processes That You Can Easily Replace With Software

Technology plays a major role in everybody’s life these days. Digitalization has driven people to achieve things that were previously unimaginable.

Despite the increasing importance of digital technology in our lives, there are some workplace practices which are still manual or paper-based. This article mainly focuses on the impact of digitization on human resource management activities at a workplace.

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How Not To Be The Bad Manager That Everyone Hates

You know a major reason why employees decide to quit? Bad managers. The moment employees realise they are not able to work despite the bad manager, they know it’s time to call it quits. A bad manager is a sure fire way for an organisation to lose some of its best talents.

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Everything You Need To Know About Developing A Workplace Harassment Policy

“I can’t take this anymore; I want to resign. Please accept my resignation letter.”, said one of the high performers of my team. Most managers might have come across this situation at least once. When asked what went wrong, I found out that the employee was being harassed at their work.

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Everything You Need To Know About Workplace Burnout

Today, as I was looking for best HR manager practices articles to read, I came across a very interesting and less discussed problem : Workplace burnout.

I realized that as a HR there’s nothing that I did to prevent or deal with or to even spot workplace burnout. Before you wonder what workplace burnout is and how it affects the employees and what’s the need of avoiding or dealing with workplace, it is important to know few things.

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Employee On-boarding Best Practices That You Need

Onboarding is one of the most vital things for any employee who joins an organization. Imagine being a part of an organization that is totally unprepared for your arrival. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Though it doesn’t seem like much of a deal, as an HR it is your responsibility to make sure that your new hire feels comfortable in the workplace. Continue reading “Employee On-boarding Best Practices That You Need”

Is Music Good For Workplace Productivity?

Music is a lot more than just a way to escape the daily grind. For many people, the best part about commuting to work –  despite all the traffic and crowds –  is listening to their favorite music on the way to work.

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Everything You Need To Know About Handling Employee Complaints

You are the HR administrator of an organization and have already had a stressful day at work. An employee who has been trying to reach out to you since the morning finally walks up to you and reports of harassment from a colleague.

What is the first thing you do? Ask them to come back later because you had a long day or document their complaint and take immediate action?

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8 New Year Resolutions For A Productive 2017!

The holiday season is almost over, and New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. Every year we make a long list of resolutions for ourselves hoping for better results. But that’s on the personal front. What about the professional side of things?

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Employee Retention Strategy – How To Retain Top Talent?

Receiving a resignation from one of their best employees is every manager’s nightmare. Why a nightmare? After all, it is so easy to hire someone else. People get hired and fired all the time!

But some employees are just irreplaceable. Managers put in so much effort and time to hire and train their employees but sometimes fail to understand that retaining those employees is more important than anything else.

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