Insights and Challenges in the “Day-to-Day Role of an HR Manager”

As the world of business continues to evolve and grow, the role of an HR manager becomes increasingly essential. This dynamic field combines elements of human resources, management, and interpersonal communication to create a multifaceted job that requires a diverse set of skills. HR managers are responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of an organization by managing employee relations, recruitment and retention, training and development programs, and much more. 

However, this fast-paced role is not without its unique set of challenges. In this post, we will delve into the day-to-day experiences of an HR manager – from insights gained on building a strong company culture to navigating through difficult situations with employees – in order to shed light on both the rewards and obstacles that come with this crucial position.

day-to-day experiences of an HR manager

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Top 7 Unique Employee Engagement Strategies for HR Success

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, employee engagement has become crucial for the success of any organization. It is no longer just about providing a paycheck or job security, but rather creating an environment where employees feel valued, fulfilled, and motivated to contribute their best work. 

As a result, HR professionals are constantly seeking innovative ways to improve employee engagement in their organizations. In this infographic, we have compiled seven unique strategies that can help HR teams create a positive and engaging workplace culture for employees. So if you’re ready to take your company’s employee engagement efforts to the next level, keep reading! 


Employee Engagement Strategies

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Top 10 Unique “Employee Appreciation Ideas” for 2024

Employee appreciation is a cornerstone of a positive and thriving workplace culture. Recognizing and valuing the contributions of employees goes beyond mere acknowledgment; it cultivates a sense of belonging, motivation, and commitment within the workforce. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged, satisfied, and invested in their work, leading to increased productivity and overall job satisfaction.

In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, where talent retention is a key challenge, employee appreciation becomes a strategic imperative for organizations. It not only fosters a positive work environment but also plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent. Employees who feel valued are more likely to be loyal to their organization, reducing turnover and contributing to the development of a stable and high-performing team.

Moreover, employee appreciation contributes to a culture of mutual respect and collaboration. It builds strong relationships between team members and leaders, creating a supportive atmosphere where individuals are empowered to give their best. In essence, the importance of employee appreciation extends far beyond surface-level recognition; it is a fundamental driver of organizational success, employee well-being, and the cultivation of a workplace where everyone feels seen, heard, and motivated to excel.

In this post, we are sharing 10 unique employee appreciation ideas that you can utilize in your workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is employee appreciation important in the workplace?

Employee appreciation is vital, as it fosters a positive work culture, boosts morale, and enhances job satisfaction. Recognizing and valuing employees’ contributions contributes to increased engagement, productivity, and long-term loyalty, addressing retention challenges in today’s competitive job market.

Q2. What are effective ways to show employee appreciation?

Effective ways to show employee appreciation include personalized gestures, recognition programs, experiential rewards, and creating a culture of open communication. Tailoring appreciation efforts to individual preferences and acknowledging both big and small contributions contribute to a more meaningful and impactful recognition strategy.

Q3. How does employee appreciation contribute to organizational success?

Employee appreciation plays a crucial role in organizational success by attracting and retaining top talent, reducing turnover, and fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. Recognized and motivated employees are more likely to contribute their best efforts, driving overall team performance and contributing to the achievement of business goals.

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Unpacking the 5 Elements of Employee Well-Being

Employee well-being is a foundational element in creating a workplace environment that not only nurtures individuals but also significantly enhances overall performance. A focus on well-being acknowledges that employees are not just resources but human beings with physical, mental, and emotional needs. When organizations prioritize the health and happiness of their workforce, it creates a positive ripple effect on productivity, engagement, and job satisfaction.

One of the key advantages of emphasizing employee well-being is the direct impact it has on performance. Physical well-being, including factors like access to wellness programs, ergonomic workspaces, and health benefits, contributes to increased energy levels and decreased absenteeism. A healthy workforce is more resilient and better equipped to handle the demands of the job, leading to improved performance and sustained productivity.

Moreover, addressing mental and emotional well-being is equally crucial. In today’s fast-paced work environments, stress and burnout are prevalent concerns. Organizations that invest in mental health resources, offer flexibility, and promote a supportive culture create an environment where employees feel valued and understood. This, in turn, enhances focus, creativity, and collaboration, directly influencing performance outcomes. Ultimately, the importance of employee well-being in the workplace is not just a compassionate approach; it’s a strategic imperative for organizations looking to optimize performance and thrive in the long run.

In this post, we discuss the 5 key elements of employee well-being in the workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is employee well-being important in the workplace?

Employee well-being is crucial as it directly impacts overall job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. Prioritizing well-being contributes to a positive work environment, reduces absenteeism, and enhances the physical, mental, and emotional health of employees, fostering a resilient and high-performing workforce.

Q2. What are the key elements of employee well-being?

Employee well-being comprises multiple elements, including physical health, mental well-being, and emotional resilience. These elements encompass factors such as access to wellness programs, mental health support, work-life balance, and a supportive organizational culture. Addressing these aspects collectively promotes a holistic approach to well-being.

Q3. How can organizations promote employee well-being in the workplace?

Organizations can promote employee well-being by offering wellness programs, creating ergonomic workspaces, fostering a culture of open communication, and providing mental health resources. Flexibility in work arrangements, recognition of work-life balance, and initiatives that address individual needs contribute to a workplace where employees feel supported and valued.

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The Top Talent Retention Challenges in Business

Talent Retention Challenges: Navigating the Workforce Puzzle

In today’s job market, keeping good employees has become quite a puzzle for businesses. It’s not just about hiring; it’s about making sure people want to stay and work with you. This is what we call talent retention challenges.

This infographic dives into the world of talent retention, showing you the main problems and how you can deal with them. From the moment someone applies for a job with you to the day they decide whether to stick around or look for another job, there are lots of things that can influence their choice.

Problems often begin when someone starts a new job. If the job isn’t what they expected, they might leave soon after starting. As they work with you, things like not having a chance to grow, not having a good work-life balance, or not getting recognized can make them think about quitting.

This infographic is here to help. We’ll talk about these problems and more, and give you practical advice and facts to help you keep your best employees happy and committed to your company. So, let’s dive into the world of Talent Retention Challenges and see how you can become a pro at keeping your top talent.

Also Read: 10 Best Employee Retention Strategies to Keep Your Best Talents
The Top Talent Retention Challenges in Businesses-pageAlso Read: Guide to Employee Engagement and Retention in Financial Services Industry

Talent Management Software


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the challenges of talent retention?

Ans. Attracting, satisfying, and keeping the best employees can be tricky. Challenges include finding the right fit, offering growth opportunities, and creating a balanced work-life environment.

Q2. Why retaining top talent is more difficult than ever?

Ans. Retaining top talent is tougher than ever because today’s job market is highly competitive. Employees seek more than just a job; they want a fulfilling career. Finding a balance between work and life is vital, and businesses must adapt to these changing expectations to keep their best people.

Q3.Why do companies fail to retain talent?

Ans. Companies often struggle to retain talent due to various reasons. Common pitfalls include inadequate career development, lack of recognition, and not addressing work-life balance. Understanding and tackling these issues can help businesses keep their valuable employees.

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Employee Turnover Rate By Industry

Employee Turnover Rate – it’s a metric that resonates throughout the business world. In the intricate tapestry of industries, it acts as both a barometer and a bellwether. It tells a story of workforce dynamics, the ebb, and flow of talent, and the challenges organizations face in retaining their valuable human capital.

This vital statistic goes beyond mere numbers; it delves into the heart of industry-specific trends, shedding light on the factors that drive employees to stay or seek new opportunities. Whether it’s the tech sector’s battle for top tech talent or the healthcare industry‘s pursuit of skilled medical professionals, understanding the nuances of employee turnover by industry is paramount.

In this article, we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of employee turnover rates by industry. We’ll unveil intriguing insights, exploring the doorway to why some industries experience higher churn while others boast exceptional retention rates.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the multifaceted landscape of employee turnover rates by industry. The insights we uncover will not only inform business strategies but also empower organizations to tailor their retention efforts, ensuring they remain competitive and resilient in their respective sectors.

Also Read: 10 Best Employee Retention Strategies to Keep Your Best Talents

Employee Turnover Rate By Industry

Also Read: Guide to Employee Engagement and Retention in Financial Services Industry

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What companies have the lowest employee turnover?

Ans. Companies with the lowest employee turnover often include those known for strong workplace cultures, competitive benefits, and opportunities for career growth. Some examples of such companies include Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Q2. Which industry has the highest attrition rate?

Ans. The industry with the highest attrition rate varies, but traditionally, sectors like hospitality and retail tend to experience higher turnover due to factors like seasonal work and part-time employment. However, specific rates can vary by region and time.

Q3. What is the industry average for employee turnover?

Ans. The industry average for employee turnover can fluctuate widely across sectors and regions. As of the latest available data, the average global turnover rate is approximately 12-15%, but specific industry averages may be higher or lower depending on various factors.

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10 Innovative Employee Engagement Initiatives You Should Try

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, where talent retention and productivity are paramount, fostering a culture of employee engagement has become a strategic imperative. Organizations that prioritize their workforce’s well-being and job satisfaction tend to outperform their competitors in various ways, from enhanced innovation to higher employee retention rates.

However, the concept of employee engagement is evolving. It’s no longer limited to traditional perks like free snacks or casual Fridays. Forward-thinking companies are continually exploring new and innovative ways to engage their employees, recognizing that a motivated, inspired workforce is the key to sustained success.

In this following infographic, we’ll delve into the cutting-edge realm of employee engagement and unveil 10 initiatives that are redefining the way businesses connect with their teams. From wellness programs to gamified learning experiences, these initiatives go beyond the ordinary, promising to reshape your company culture and, in turn, revolutionize your results.

Join us on this journey as we explore 10 innovative employee engagement initiatives that you should consider implementing within your organization. Your employees deserve nothing less than the best, and these strategies might just be the catalyst for a happier, more engaged workforce and a brighter future for your company.

Also Read: Gamification in the Workplace: Introduction, Benefits, Tips, and Examples

10 Innovative Employee Engagement Initiatives You Should Try (Infographic)

Also Read: 3Sixty Insights Report: Engagedly’s Impact on Productivity & Employee Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are employee engagement initiatives?

Ans. Employee engagement initiatives are proactive strategies and programs designed to enhance the emotional connection, motivation, and commitment of employees to their work and organization. These initiatives encompass a wide range of activities, from recognition programs and flexible work arrangements to skill development opportunities and wellness initiatives, all aimed at creating a positive and productive workplace culture.

Q2. What are the 5 c’s of employee engagement?

Ans. The 5 C’s of employee engagement are: Communication, Connection, Collaboration, Contribution, and Career Development. These principles serve as a framework to foster a more engaged and motivated workforce, leading to improved organizational success and employee satisfaction.

Q3. What are 5 things that can be done to enhance employee engagement?

Ans. To enhance employee engagement, consider these 5 effective strategies: 1. Regular feedback and recognition, 2. Clear communication and transparency, 3. Professional development opportunities, 4. Employee well-being programs, 5. Inclusive and collaborative workplace culture. These actions can significantly boost employee satisfaction and productivity.

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Best Talent Management Statistics HR Needs to Know

In the dynamic realm of Human Resources, staying ahead of the curve is not just advantageous; it’s essential. With the evolving nature of work and the changing expectations of employees, having a finger on the pulse of talent management is crucial. That’s where Talent Management Statistics come into play, serving as the compass guiding HR professionals toward more informed, strategic decisions.

In this article, we explore Talent Management Statistics essential for HR leaders. Whether you aim to refine recruitment, enhance employee development, or boost retention, these stats offer valuable insights. They cover areas like diversity’s impact on performance and current trends in remote work and engagement, providing a glimpse into talent management’s future.

Get ready to delve into this data-rich world. These statistics will inform your HR strategies, helping you create a workplace where talent flourishes, propelling your organization to new heights of success. Your journey to HR enlightenment starts here.

Also Read: Why Your Business Needs This Talent Management Framework
Talent Management Statistics
Also Read: A Complete Overview of Talent Management in a Changing Global Workplace

Talent Management Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can HR help with talent management?

Ans. HR can help with talent management by identifying and attracting top talent, implementing effective onboarding and development programs, fostering a positive workplace culture, and continuously monitoring and optimizing talent strategies to align with organizational goals.

Q2. What data are collected in talent management?

Ans. In talent management, various types of data are collected, including candidate resumes, performance evaluations, skills assessments, employee engagement surveys, turnover rates, and succession planning information. This data helps organizations make informed decisions about recruitment, development, and retention of their workforce.

Q3. What is talent management & HR analytics?

Ans. Talent management and HR analytics refer to the use of data analysis and metrics to gain insights into an organization’s workforce. It involves measuring and optimizing various HR processes, such as recruitment, performance management, and employee development, to make data-driven decisions that improve talent acquisition, retention, and overall HR effectiveness.

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Why Your Business Needs A High Performance Culture Framework

In the relentless pursuit of excellence, businesses today are increasingly recognizing the transformative power of a well-crafted High-Performance Culture Framework. In an era defined by innovation, agility, and fierce competition, cultivating a workplace culture that not only thrives but excels is not merely an aspiration; it’s a necessity.

Picture a workplace where every employee is not just meeting expectations but consistently surpassing them. Imagine a culture that fuels creativity, drives innovation, and propels your organization toward unprecedented growth. This is the promise of a High-Performance Culture Framework, and it’s why your business cannot afford to overlook its profound significance.

In this article, we embark on a journey into the dynamic real-time of high-performance culture, with a laser focus on why your business needs a well-defined framework to cultivate and sustain it. Whether you’re a startup striving to make your mark or a seasoned corporation aiming to stay at the forefront of your industry, understanding the pivotal role of this framework is the first step toward unlocking your organization’s full potential.

Throughout our exploration, we’ll delve into the core principles, benefits, and practical implementation of a High-Performance Culture Framework. By the time we conclude, you’ll not only appreciate the imperative of integrating it into your business strategy but also be equipped with the knowledge to propel your company into an era of unparalleled success.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the compelling landscape of high-performance culture, where the High-Performance Culture Framework is the key that can unlock the doors to excellence, innovation, and growth within your organization. Your journey to fostering a culture of exceptional performance begins right here.

Also Read: Top 10 Performance Management Software of 2023
Why Your Business Needs a “High Performance Culture Framework
Also Read: The 4 Stages of Performance Cycle

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is building performance culture important in an organization?

Ans. Building a performance culture is vital for organizations as it drives employee motivation, improves productivity, fosters innovation, and enhances overall business success. It aligns teams with company goals and ensures sustained growth in a competitive landscape.

Q2. How To Create A High-Performance Culture?

Ans. Creating a High-Performance Culture involves setting clear expectations, promoting open communication, offering regular feedback, investing in employee development, and recognizing achievements. It requires a strategic and sustained effort to foster excellence and drive success within an organization.

Q3. What is a high-performance culture framework?

Ans. A High-Performance Culture Framework is a structured approach that defines values, expectations, and strategies to cultivate excellence, innovation, and success within an organization. It serves as a roadmap for aligning workforce behavior with company objectives and fostering a culture of exceptional performance.

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Types of Employee Rewards And Why They Matter

In the realm of talent management, one thing stands true: motivated employees are vital. Amid various strategies for inspiration and retention, employee rewards remain a cornerstone. Diving into the world of types of Employee Rewards, we find not just perks but potent tools for shaping a motivated workforce.

These rewards aren’t mere extras; they ignite passion, loyalty, and peak performance. Whether it’s recognition programs or financial incentives, your choices can profoundly affect morale, job satisfaction, and your bottom line.

Now, coming to the matter of focus, HR professionals refining talent retention or business leaders creating attractive workplaces will find this essential.

As we explore, we’ll uncover the psychology behind effective rewards, delve into specific incentives, and offer guidance on aligning rewards with organizational goals.

Venture into the captivating world of employee rewards, your roadmap to understanding their importance, and how they fuel a culture of excellence. Your journey to unlocking workforce potential starts with types of employee rewards.

Also Read: Employee Rewards and Recognition For An Engaged Workforce

Types of Employee rewardsAlso Read: Here’s Why Your Employee Rewards & Recognition Fails

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the top 5 types of employee benefits?

Ans. The top 5 types of employee benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off (PTO), professional development opportunities, and wellness programs. These benefits enhance job satisfaction, attract top talent, and promote employee well-being.

Q2. What are the top 3 most sought after employee benefits?

Ans. The top 3 most sought-after employee benefits are health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible work arrangements. These benefits are highly valued by employees for their impact on well-being, financial security, and work-life balance.

Q3. What types of rewards are most effective?

Ans. The most effective types of rewards vary but often include recognition and appreciation, performance-based bonuses, and opportunities for career growth and development. These rewards tend to motivate employees, boost morale, and drive performance.

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Why Your Business Needs This Talent Management Framework

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the Talent Management Framework has emerged as a critical cornerstone for success. Talent, once a resource, has transformed into the lifeblood of organizations, influencing their growth and vitality. The ability to attract, nurture, and empower top-tier talent has become a strategic imperative, and it’s the driving force behind why your business needs this indispensable framework.

In this article, we walk through the world of strategic talent management, shining a spotlight on the pivotal Talent Management Framework. Whether you’re a burgeoning startup aiming for rapid expansion or an established corporation striving to maintain a competitive edge, understanding the profound significance of this framework is paramount to your sustained success.

Throughout our exploration, we will dive into the core principles, advantages, and best practices of the Talent Management Framework, unraveling its potential to shape your company culture, foster innovation, and secure long-term viability. By the time we conclude, you will not only grasp the importance but also the absolute necessity of integrating this framework into your business strategy.

So, fasten your seatbelt as we navigate the compelling terrain of talent management, with a particular focus on the transformative power of the Talent Management Framework. Your journey to optimizing your workforce and achieving unparalleled success begins right here.

Also Read: Talent Management- What Is It and Why Is It Important?
Talent management frameworkAlso Read: What Is the True Cost of Recruiting and Onboarding Employees?

Talent Management Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What Is Talent Management and Why Is It Important?

Ans. Talent management is the strategic process of attracting, developing, and retaining top talent within an organization. It is crucial because it ensures a company’s workforce is aligned with its goals, promotes employee growth, enhances productivity, and ultimately drives long-term success.

Q2. Why do companies need talent management?

Ans. Companies need talent management to attract, develop, and retain top talent. It helps align employees with organizational goals, fosters a culture of growth and development, improves workforce productivity, and ensures long-term competitiveness in a dynamic business environment.

Q3. How to Develop a Talent Management Framework?

Ans. Developing a Talent Management Framework involves strategic planning, identifying key talent, setting performance metrics, and implementing talent development programs. It requires a comprehensive approach to align workforce capabilities with organizational goals for sustainable success.

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Evolution Of Performance Management System

Organizations these days have become more employee-focused and less process-driven. Performance management has changed in many ways over the past few decades. Many organizations have ditched their annual performance reviews. This has been the era where continuous feedback became popular as one of the most effective ways of managing performance.

What led to the evolution of performance management? There are many early references to performance appraisals in America that date back over a century. Here’s a timeline of how performance management has evolved over the last century.

Continue reading “Evolution Of Performance Management System”

How To Develop A Talent Management Process

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, the talent management process has emerged as the compass guiding organizations toward excellence. It’s the roadmap that transforms raw potential into exceptional performance, turning ambitious individuals into invaluable assets.

At its core, the talent management process is the strategic orchestration of attracting, developing, and retaining talent. It’s the engine that powers innovation, growth, and a sustainable competitive edge. In today’s world, where the battle for top talent rages on, this process is not merely an option; it’s a necessity.

In this article, we embark on a journey into the heart of talent management, revealing the intricate steps and best practices that constitute an effective talent management process. Whether you’re a seasoned HR professional seeking to refine your strategy or a business leader aiming to create a workforce that thrives, the insights we explore here are essential.

Throughout our exploration, we’ll uncover the art of talent attraction, the science of skill development, and the psychology of talent retention. We’ll delve into the tools and techniques that empower organizations to identify, nurture, and harness their most promising assets.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the exhilarating landscape of talent management. The Talent Management Process we’re about to unveil will not only inform your strategies but also empower you to create a workplace where talent is not just managed; it’s transformed into your organization’s driving force for success. Your journey to unlocking the full potential of your workforce begins here.

Also Read: Best Talent Management Statistics HR Needs to Know
How to Develop a Talent Management ProcessAlso Read: Why Your Business Needs This Talent Management Framework

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the 7 components of talent management?

Ans. The 7 components of talent management typically include recruitment and selection, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, career planning, succession planning, and employee retention strategies. These components form a comprehensive approach to nurturing and leveraging talent within an organization.

Q2. What are the 4 key steps of the talent management process?

Ans. The 4 key steps of the talent management process involve attracting top talent, developing their skills, engaging and retaining them, and strategically deploying talent to drive organizational success. These steps create a holistic approach to optimizing a company’s human capital.

Q3. What is the first step in the talent management process?

Ans. The first step in the talent management process is attracting and identifying top talent. This involves recruitment, sourcing candidates, and selecting individuals who align with the organization’s needs and culture.

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A Newbie HR’s Guide To Great Performance Review! [Infographic]

Performance review may seem like a pain, but they are important for organizational growth. When structured thoughtfully, it allows employees to receive feedback from their team lead or manager regarding their performance and suggestions on areas to improve. However, there are different types of performance reviews that can be used to rate the employees. It is important to understand which type of review will be suitable for your organization.

Continue reading “A Newbie HR’s Guide To Great Performance Review! [Infographic]”

Traditional vs. Progressive Performance Management (Infographic)

What’s the difference between traditional and progressive performance management?

Continue reading “Traditional vs. Progressive Performance Management (Infographic)”

5 Virtual Office Celebration Ideas[Infographic]

Due to the pandemic, the last two years have been about coping with uncertainty and adjusting to unprecedented changes. More than half of the global workforce first found themselves working remotely and later in a hybrid environment. With 2021 coming to an end, it is time for celebrations and festivities. It will not only help your employees to take some time off from work during this time and reduce stress, but will also prepare them for the upcoming year. Moreover, it will help in building employee engagement and deepen bonding as a team. 

Also Read: Employee Feedback : The Do’s And Don’ts of It

Last year offices were functioning completely remotely, but this year things changed a bit. Many organizations started offering their employees the flexibility to work from home and from the office, too. This new working model that organizations follow now is known as the hybrid work model. It is critical that your office celebrations include both your work from office employees . This might sound like a tedious activity, but with so many tools and technology at your disposal, it will be easy to make all your employees feel included in the yearly celebration. 

Here’s an infographic with virtual celebration ideas for this holiday season.

Virtual Office Celebration Ideas For Your Hybrid Team

In this current era, where people are still suffering from the side-effects of the pandemic, a virtual celebration will work wonders for your organization. It will motivate your employees, make them feel appreciated and important, and will boost their morale. It will help improve productivity, engagement, and thereby directly improving the retention of your organization. So what are you waiting for?

Also Read: Tips To Manage Stress of Your Remote Team

Do you have any other virtual office celebration ideas in mind? Let us know in the comments.

Want to know how Engagedly can help you with employee engagement, request a demo from the team!

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Guide to Effective One On One Meetings[Infographic]

According to Gallup’s comprehensive 2015 study, ‘The State Of The American Manager’, 50% of Americans have left a job “to get away from their manager”.

The survey also says that workers feel like they’re given little guidance for understanding what’s expected of them. Only 12% of workers strongly agreed that their manager helps set work priorities.

Continue reading “Guide to Effective One On One Meetings[Infographic]”

Performance Review Tips To Improve Employee Experience[Infographic]

Employee experience is something organizations should pay a lot more attention to.

Employee experience is the sum of all the things the employee experience at work. This could encompass a wide variety of factors, such as feedback, performance reviews, frequent communication, opportunity to grow, poor work environment, bad management, etc.

Also Read: Know How To Make Your Employee Feedback Work

An employee’s experience decides whether they will continue to stay at an organization or move on. It can also determine how many people they are willing to refer to jobs within the organization or whether they warn them away. Therefore, it is important for organizations to create a positive and rewarding employee experience for employees.

One of the things that can greatly influence employee experience is performance reviews. Performance reviews encompass a gamut of factors, such as feedback, career growth, development, praise, etc. These have a direct impact on an employee’s experience.

Also Read: Why These 8 Companies Redefined Their Performance Management Systems

As such, it is important to create a good performance review culture, especially one that makes employees feel like it is enhancing their time at the organization, instead of making them feel like they need to flee as soon as they can.

This infographic gives 5 performance review tips that can help improve employee experience.

Performance Review Employee Experience Infographic

Also Read: Performance Reviews : A Manager’s Guide

Do you have any other performance review tips in mind? Let us know in comments.

Want to know how Engagedly can improve your performance review process? Request for a live demo.

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Traits Of High Performing Teams[Infographic]

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company. 
Putting together a high-performing team isn’t just about tossing together a bunch of fantastic individual contributors and then hoping for the best.

You might as well throw together a few sticks of dynamite, pour oil on it, and then light it. The end result is an explosion. Good or bad, is anyone’s guess.

Also Read: Tips To Manage Stress Of Your Remote Team

High performing teams are rare for a reason. They are composed of a number of good qualities, all of which work well together. Like the cogs in a well-oiled machine. High-performing teams require little outside interference and instead set their own team dynamics. When managers chance upon high-performing teams, it’s important to continue to nurture them, without overstepping boundaries, but also without giving them full reign.

Also Read: OKRs For Healthcare Professionals

Here are 6 traits of high performing teams that distinguish them from normal teams.

6 traits of a high performing team infographic

Remember, a high-performance team will not just possess one of these characteristics. Rather, they possess of these characteristics and maybe even more, though those may be specific to the field they are working in!

Let us know if you have any other points in mind.

Want to know Engagedly can help you build high-performing teams? Request a live demo from our experts to know more!

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6 Tips To Create A Disability Friendly Workplace [Infographic]

Since the March 2020, the world has been struggling with the deadly COVID virus, which created a pandemic. It forced organizations to change their style of work and go predominantly remote. The pandemic has yet to pass, but in many countries, employees are resuming work from their physical locations, with all precautions.

Also Read: 7 Proven Ways To Be A Better Leader In The Workplace

While organizations have become vigilant about the safety measures for their employees’ return to offices, many are yet to be inclusive of those with special needs. It is usually not intentional, rather an unconscious bias that most of us experience. If you are not a disability-friendly workplace, then it is the right time to be one.

As an employer, it is your primary responsibility to ensure that employees feel comfortable in the workplace. And that includes all employees, be they abled or disabled. Many people with disabilities face problems landing in their dream jobs because of a lack of basic facilities at most workplaces. Not only are disability-friendly workplaces are more inclusive, but they also create diversity in an organization.

Also Read: Employee Recognition & Rewards:4 Common Mistakes To Avoid For Remote Employees

A company’s culture should be inclusive of everyone, even for people with disabilities. However, when you do not know how to achieve that, it can be an intimidating prospect. This infographic shows you to build an all-inclusive culture and make your workplace disability-friendly as well.

tips to create a disability friendly workplace

Building a disability-friendly workplace is not a one day activity and takes time and effort. But it is surely worth it. It will help in creating a workplace where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

Do you have any other points to mention? Let us know in the comments.

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