Why is Engagedly A Great Alternative to PageUp HR Software

When looking for HR software, there are many things HR managers need to consider, such as ease of set-up, strong data security, good customer support, powerful performance management etc. In addition to those features it is also important to find software that can adapt to your needs and grow with you.

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Engagedly Launches Performance 2.0

Engagedly has been working on an updated version of the performance module for the past few months. This revamp of the module had always been a part of the plan and was something that began coalescing into a solid idea by mid-2017.

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8 New Year Resolutions Every Employee Should Have For 2018!

The New Year’s Eve is already around the corner and every year we all make a long list of resolutions to improve ourselves in every aspect of our lives.

In our previous article, we spoke about what resolutions you can have this new year as a manager. Here are a few more new year’s workplace resolutions that you can have as an employee!

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How To Build A Workplace Culture That Works For Your Organization

Building a workplace culture from the ground-up requires some effort. But that’s an understatement. It actually requires a lot of effort!

Here are some tips that can help you build an organic and enviable workplace culture from the ground up.

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5 Reasons Why You Need Engagedly For Employee Engagement!

Why is it important to focus on employee engagement in this competitive business age? We often come across interesting articles which convey that engaged employees can help you increase your organizational productivity.

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Why Engagedly Is The Ultimate Goal-Setting Software That You Need!

“Goals are very important!” Well, don’t we all know that already? But achieving those goals is more important than just setting them. To achieve goals, we need to keep track of our progress and plan a strategy.

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Employee Recognition: The Art of Gratitude

The holiday season is upon us and even if you don’t celebrate the holidays in the religious sense, we are all aware that holidays are also considered the season of gratitude.  But while we apply that gratitude to our friends and family, and are thankful for their presence in our lives, why is so hard to express or receive gratitude at work?

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Developing An Engaged Employee Culture [Webinar]

Engagedly has recently begun hosting webinars. We hope to cover a range of topics related to performance management and our application. On 13th October, we hosted the webinar, Developing an Engaged Employee Culture, which was presented by Garrett Wilson, MS, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, Director of Talent and Culture, ReliaMax. You can listen to the webinar here.

This article will provide you with a brief overview of the contents of the webinar. However, we recommend you listen to the webinar as it delves more deeply into the topic.

Employee engagement is HR’s newest buzzword. You see countless articles written about, people talking about and more important, companies trying to adopt it.

But with disengagement costing US employers $450 – $500 billion and only 32% of employees being actively engaged, it is clear that employee engagement is not just a simple over-night fix.

For company like ReliaMax, with employees located across seven states and being able to do business in 49 of the 50 states, one can only imagine how big of a role regulatory compliances play, especially since different states have different compliance rules. And in addition to all of this, ReliaMax is part of the banking and student loan servicing industry, an industry knows for following rules to the t.

Walking the line between meeting compliances and coming across as a healthy workplace for both current and future employees is understandably, not an easy job.

But according to Wilson, instead of being alarmed by regulatory authorities, what one needs to do is ask questions. Asking questions and getting on board with the regulators makes it easy not only to adhere to compliances, but to also maintain a work culture that employees like and want to be a part of.

It is also important to remember that engagement in an organization does not fall on the HR team alone. It’s a company wide team effort that everybody needs to take part in.

And if you want the entire organization onboard, you have to sell it to them on terms they understand. Assuming that everybody automatically understands why engagement is important could do more harm than good.

In addition to this, it is also important to remember, you cannot win at everything. Not everybody is going to get onboard and nor should you expect 100% approval. Aim for a more realistic figure when it comes to adoption stick to that.

Unlike other companies which can afford to do away with performance reviews, the same does not hold true for ReliaMax or other companies in highly regulated industries. In fact, industry regulations require employee performance to be reviewed at least annually.

Everybody knows that performance reviews are a good tool. But getting people to use it, to go through the motions, to ensure that everyone gets a fair deal can be very exhausting if you do not have a process for it or a tool that can help.

For ReliaMax, that tool was Engagedly. Since Engagedly is a suite of applications, not only did it provide ReliaMax with the ability to hold frequent performance reviews with the performance module, it also allowed them to utilize the goals and the multirater feedback module.

Since ReliaMax is spread out over seven states, Engagedly also gave employees the opportunity to log in frequently and use the social module to communicate!

It is a textbook example of an application being the right choice for an organization.

If you would like to see a list of upcoming webinars and attend them, you can check them out here. If you want to know how Engagedly can help you with performance management, then request us for a demo!

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7 Steps To Building A Feedback-Driven Culture [Webinar]

Engagedly has recently begun hosting webinars on the website BrightTALK. We hope to cover a range of topics related to performance management and our application. On 27th September, we hosted our first webinar, 7 Steps To Building A Feedback-Driven Culture, presented by Aaron Adams, Partner of HR Alignment and Strategy at Engagedly. You can listen to the webinar here.

This article will provide you with a brief overview of the contents of the webinar. However, we recommend you listen to the webinar as it delves more deeply into the topic.

Numerous studies and articles have shown the importance of feedback. The right kind of feedback acts as a revitalizing tonic, giving employees and managers alike a boost of confidence or alternatively a timely course-correction. But when feedback exists by itself, it can be hard to get others to adopt it or see its benefits. However, when it’s part of organizational culture, it becomes easier to get everyone aboard.

There are numerous benefits to building a feedback-driven culture. They include increased engagement and improved performance. Not only is feedback beneficial for employees, but it benefits the organization as well. In essence, creating a feedback-driven culture is in everyone’s best interests.

So how does the 7 step process of building a feedback-driven culture work?


In order to build a feedback culture, it is important to gauge and assess the culture that already exists in your organization. By assessing the culture that already exists, it becomes easier to get a better grasp of what needs to be done.

Also Read: Workplace Culture: How To Create And Sustain It

Choosing The Right Feedback Tools 

Once you’ve got the culture portion figured, you need to decide what kind of feedback tools you want to utilize. There are certain factors that are important for you to consider  like the ease of use, the implementation process, how it matches with the way work is done, and selecting the tool that best aligns with the culture of the organization.  

Implementing Feedback Tools

Once you have chosen your feedback tools, the next thing you need to do is set up the tools. Setting up feedback tools is not just about configuring and integrating the tools. It also deals with user adoption, training users to use the tool, providing additional resources and support.

Setting Up A Feedback Framework

The success of a feedback process has a lot to do with how feedback is framed. In order to maximize the power of feedback, there are two things that need to happen. First of all, feedback needs to be meaningful. And secondly, feedback should focus on people’s strengths.

Structuring Feedback 

Once feedback tools have been implemented and a feedback framework has been implemented, people have to be taught how to give feedback (be it with a feedback tool, or just the act of giving feedback). In addition to teaching, feedback also needs to be practiced. We tend to adopt and model the behaviors that we see others using, especially those modeled by leaders. When you see people giving and receiving feedback frequently and making a habit of it, it becomes easier to do it yourself, so it’s important to deliberately practice giving feedback.

Also Read: 360 Degree Feedback:7 Tips To Get Started


To know how the feedback tool is doing, and how many people are using it, you need to come up with a set of metrics and behaviors that you would ideally like to see it. You can then use this is as a yardstick to measure the success of the tool and note how much progress is being made.


The final step in the cycle is where you need to critically evaluate the entire process. Take note of what works. Take note of what does not work. You will find that there are certain processes you need to rework or reframe. When you’re able to identify what works it provides you with an opportunity to replicate the good and leverage internal champions to promote/reinforce your feedback-driven culture.

If you would like to see a list of upcoming webinars and attend them, you can visit this page, which displays our list of webinars.

Worried about how to retain your top talent? Need help to build your brand image? Fret not. Engagedly can help you do both.

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How To Cope With Workplace Stress?

Every employee at some point or other experiences workplace stress. It has become a part and parcel of the workplace. It is a common misconception that job stress only occurs when you do not like your job or have the wrong job. Job stress can even be experienced despite you holding your dream job or a job that you dearly love.

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The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With A Bad Boss

We are really lucky to have good, understanding bosses here at Engagedly. But, that’s not the case for everyone, and dealing with a bad boss is not easy at times. Not all bosses are bad, but few of them, the less said about them, the better.

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5 Mistakes Managers Make That Can Be Avoided

Last month, we spoke of leadership mistakes and how they impact employee engagement. This week, we are going to focus on mistakes managers make and take a look at how they impact not only employee engagement but also employee performance.

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6 Leadership Mistakes That Will Cost You Dearly

Heavy is the head that wears a crown. As a leader, there are times when your patience will be sorely tested and you will be tempted to give up. But if you are a person who delights in leading people and has wanted to do so from the longest time, when the opportunity to be a leader presents itself to you, you will naturally jump at that opportunity.

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Engagedly Named One of HR Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Cloud Solution Providers for2016

Engagedly is proud to announce that we have been named one of HR Tech Outlook’s Top 10 HR Cloud Solution Providers for 2016!

HR Tech Outlook is a magazine that monitors the emerging trends in the HR technology industry and has an industry-wide readership of at least 50,000 HR leaders.

Engagedly was chosen by a distinguished selection panel comprising of a team of prominent CEOs, CIOs, VCs, and analysts, along with HR Tech Outlook’s editorial board. The panel was looking for applications that had broken new ground in the HR Tech industry. Engagedly was chosen ahead of hundreds of other HR Tech applications because of its ability to offer solutions that are scalable and customizable to meet the ever-changing demands of HR departments within organizations.

HR Tech Outlook’s latest issue will focus on HR Cloud Solutions that helps organizations understand best practices involved for building relationships with their employees. This issue will also feature the Top 10 HR Cloud Solution Providers list.

Engagedly’s class-leading suite of applications helps drive employee engagement by encouraging continuous and real-time feedback, aligning organization goals and values, by making employee performance reviews holistic.

Engagedly’s suite of applications include:

You can read what Srikant Chellappa, our Co-founder has to say about Engagedly here.

If you are interested in knowing more about Engagedly and how we can help you, you can visit our website or request a demo!

Why Are Organizational Values Important?

Zappos, the online shoe and clothing store, is known for its organizational values. Take a look at their organizational values and you’ll know exactly why the company is so famous. Zappos has let it’s organizational values drive it’s organization and as a result, it is also an extremely successful company.

But not every company is like Zappos and many do not even know what the term ‘organizational values’ mean, let alone why they are important.

To explain briefly: organizational values are values that an organization holds dear. They shape an organization’s vision and beliefs. Some organizations have their values visibly shown everywhere while some organizations have unwritten values that are known to employees all the same.

Organization values are important because:

  • They help employees work towards a purpose – Engaged employees more often than not have values that are aligned to their organization’s values. These values give employees a purpose to work towards and help them achieve goals in a manner that not only benefits them but also the organization.
  • They help organizations set standards – Organization values set standards that organizations and employees can aspire to. When organizations fall behind in terms of profit or quality, or employees fall behind in terms of work or goals, they know that they are not living up to their organizational values.
  • Good organization values can attract the right customer – Customers tend to choose organizations based on the values they embody and how they identify with them. Good organization values will attract exactly the kind of customers an organization might envision having. And living up to those organizational values will ensure that customers remain loyal despite the appearance of new products on the market.
  • They attract the right employees Good organization values are a great way of weeding employees who will fit in and employees who don’t. Because the ones who fit probably share the same values and therefore are more invested in seeing an organization succeed.

Engagedly is a performance management software with elements of employee engagement. Request a demo today to find out how Engagedly can help your organization!

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What Are Hiring Managers Looking For?

What are hiring managers looking for? And what would they like to avoid? If you are currently job hunting, or plan to do so in the near future, then these are answers that you need to know. There’s no magic charm to get that your job you have been badly wanting. But, there are a few do’s and don’ts that can help you get one step closer to getting that job. Read on to find out what those do’s and don’ts are.

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How To Disagree With Your Manager?

In an organization, different people have different opinions on a particular thing, we agree with some we do not agree with some. But when it comes to disagreeing with the boss, most often employees tend to avoid such situations, fearing that it might affect their growth in the organization.

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5 Ways To Get Along With Your Manager?

One of the most critical factors for job satisfaction is your relationship with your manager. If it works well for you, your boss can motivate you and be your role model. If not, he can cause you stress and frustration.

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