5 Performance Management Mistakes That You Should Never Make

Performance reviews play an important role in an employee’s work life. They decide if an employee had worked well enough to get a promotion, a raise, etc. Most people are conscientious about how they handle performance reviews. After all, nobody wants to be the bad guy, even if an employee’s performance isn’t up to par.

An effective performance management system helps identify employees’ issues and find solutions for the same. This will improve their quality of work and in turn, increase productivity.

Continue reading “5 Performance Management Mistakes That You Should Never Make”

7 Unwritten Office Etiquette rules

Most employees spend more than half of the time at their workplace. But it is sometimes frustrating to see the fellow employees not following basic office etiquette rules just because they are unwritten.

Don’t be the one employee everyone hates because of the lack of etiquette. Here are 7 unwritten office etiquette rules that you should follow.

1. Plug in – No loud music

Listening to music might be make you feel really energized but not necessarily everyone has the same taste in music. And everyone doesn’t want to listen to music at the same time; you don’t want to be a disturbance to people around you. So plug in your headphones and listen your music.

2. Respect Co-worker’s Privacy

No matter how close you are to your co-worker, you have to respect their privacy. Always ask before entering their cubicle. And never take their stuff without their consent. If you happen to borrow your co-worker’s stationery stuff or anything, return it as soon as possible without fail! (And in working condition)

Also Read: Dealing With Mental Health In The Workplace

3. Keep Your Voice To Yourself

When you are on phone, your colleagues don’t have to know what the conversation is. So stop screaming and yelling; keep your voice to yourself. Be calm and smooth when on phone so that your conversation doesn’t disturb anyone around you.

4. Re-organize Messy Space

Your work-space is not only in view of your colleagues but also the visitors at your office. No one wants to see a messy, smelly and dusty table at workplace.
It creates a really bad impression on you as a person as well as on the organization. So make some efforts to re-organize and clean your work-space from time to time.

5. Dress Appropriately

This is a very important part. When someone looks at you, the first thing they observe is your dressing. You don’t have to wear a really costly dress, just a clean, simple and appropriate-to-work dress. Dress codes vary from industry to industry but no one wants you to dress as if you are going to a carnival down the street.

Also Read: Make Your Work A Craft

6. Don’t Steal The Time

You might really need someone to talk at your workspace sometimes, but do not pop into your co-workers’ cubicle and start the conversation. They might be in the middle of something important, so wait till lunch break or tea break to talk to them. Do not steal their work time!

7. Mind Your P’s and Q’s

No one will tell you this but it is really important to use ‘Please’, ‘Thank You’ and ‘sorry’ in your conversation with your co-workers.

Being at your best behavior can make a huge difference (In a good way!).


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4 Ways To Get Away From Work On Weekends

Most working professionals are always connected to their work through their smart phones, laptops, i-pads, etc. But it is also important to disconnect yourself from work during the weekends. Everything in life needs a break, and so do you from your daily work.

Continue reading “4 Ways To Get Away From Work On Weekends”

Performance Appraisal Checklist For Managers And Employees

Performance appraisals are important, but conducting them effectively and efficiently is even more important. Many managers and employees dread employee performance evaluations because of their complexity and convoluted structure. But what if we provided you with a performance appraisal checklist that lays out all the steps in a structured and easy-to-understand manner?

This article will discuss some important checks that every manager and employee should follow to get the most out of the evaluation process. Feel free to customize the list based on business and industrial requirements.

Performance Appraisal Checklist For Managers

The following performance review checklist will help managers in conducting a detailed evaluation of an employee.

performance review preparation checklist

☑ Have feedback sessions before the performance review

In the time leading up to the performance review, schedule feedback sessions with the employee, be they formal or informal. The appraisal process shouldn’t hit the employee like a lightning bolt from nowhere. Preparation is key!

☑ Lay out clear expectations

Setting out clear expectations should definitely be on your employee evaluation checklist. Do not assume employees know what is expected of them. Clarity is good for everyone involved in the review process.

Create goals and objectives

Before you meet with an employee, review their past goals and objectives and outline the goals and objectives you would like for them to tackle this year. Having a good understanding of an employee goals will help you in providing them with clear and open feedback. Therefore, it must be a part of your employee performance review checklist.

Also Read: 8 Most Engaging Performance Review Examples for 2022

Collect feedback from previous discussions

performance assessment checklist

It’s always good to review the past feedback an employee has received (assuming you have collected some of that feedback in a place). This allows you to carry out a more nuanced review process rather than relying on just your memory.

Be prepared to listen to feedback about yourself

A review process should not be a one-way street. When you share feedback about an employee’s performance, likewise employees too should be allowed to share feedback about your performance as a manager. After all, an employee’s performance also depends on how their manager leads them.

Discuss long term plans

A performance appraisal is also a good time to discuss an employee’s future plans at the organization. Irrespective of whether those future plans will come to fruition or not, it’s good to discuss to where the employee envisions himself two years down the line or so. It can help you and the employee chart out prospective goals, inter-departmental moves, new job descriptions etc.

Leave open room for negotiation

Don’t end the review process with a refusal to discuss it any further. Instead, the end of the review process should be like a free period, where you and the employee can discuss anything other than what was brought up during the review process. Employees too need room to express opinions and thoughts. Like I said before, a review process is not a one-way street. Communication should go both ways!

Be ready to make some hard decisions

On the off chance that the review process is not going the way you envisioned, be ready to take a hardline. During the review process, you might find that you and the employee have completely different ideas of good work. Or you might discover egregious errors that have been previously swept under the rug etc. Alternatively, an employee might get recalcitrant or even worse, make a scene. It’s best to be prepared for any such eventuality, though if you have been communicating with the employee much before the review process even began, you will at least have an idea of what’s going on.

Performance Appraisal Checklist For Employees

The following performance review checklist will help employees in preparing for a strategic and open discussion with the reviewer.

☑ Do your homework

The first thing on your performance appraisal checklist should be a list of all the contributions you have made for the team. By doing your homework, I mean you need to think of all the possible situations your manager will discuss during the review process. You could always conduct a mock review to prep yourself for the actual review!

☑ Come prepared with facts and figures

Sometimes your manager might remember the specifics of all that you have done. Sometimes they might not. If you come to the review process armed with the right facts and figures, or proof of your work, it becomes easier for your manager to review your performance and adds more weight to the review.

☑ Steel yourself- Stay Calm and Think Rationally

When I say steel yourself, I don’t say you should go into a review meeting dreading the worst. What I do however mean is that you need to be mentally prepared to deal with all that the meeting throws at you. This means, that if you hear something you do not like, about your work, or the way you work, then you should be able to react calmly and rationally and get your point across, rather than getting angry, losing your temper or dissolving into tears. Emotions are not bad. However, they definitely do have their place and a performance review is not the place for them.

☑ Discuss about your future plans

A discussion about your future plans might be inevitable during the review process. Especially, if the review comes around at the end of the year. You should have at least some idea of what you want to work on. The idea in itself need not be concrete or set in stone. It should, however, give your manager and you an indication of what avenue you would like to pursue next.

☑ Draw up your own goals and objectives for the following year

Your manager might have his own set of goals prepared for you, but there’s no reason why you should not set a few goals of your own as well. These goals will give your manager a broader understanding of your work as well as your areas of expertise.

We hope the performance evaluation checklist discussed in this article will be helpful to you. Share your thoughts on what more an employee review checklist should contain in the comments below.

performance appraisal checklist

Benefits Of Having HR Management Software In Organization

A survey conducted by Eightfold AI revealed that 82% of 225 surveyed HR professionals are planning to adopt more AI based HR tools into their talent management processes in the next five years. HR is undoubtedly one of the most crucial functions in any organization. Managing employees manually is time-taking and exhausting for HR personnel. Therefore, having digital automated HR management software at your organization can ease many daily HR activities and solve many HR management issues. If you are looking for one strong reason to start using HR software for your business, we will give you five!

Continue reading “Benefits Of Having HR Management Software In Organization”

7 Years, 9 Lives (Almost!) and Series A

7 years ago, we met in an office in a nondescript location in Bangalore, India. In an apartment converted into a small office, we discussed Engagedly, a new platform for the digital generation to feel more connected and fulfilled at work. Our aspirations were strong, and the opportunity was present. Disengagement levels were high across all workforce, regardless of the geography.

A Series Funding and Engagedly
A Series Funding and Engagedly

Our previous attempt to build an employee social platform, Team Yogi, had failed, but we drew important lessons. So we went back to the drawing board to look at all aspects of employee interaction that drives engagement. It took us a year to build the platform with the tagline “Level up your Workforce“. The startup journey takes a lot longer, and the effort is a lot harder than what you read in the press. An estimated 90% of tech startups fail in staying afloat! 

Also read: Engagedly Inc. Announces Investment Led By Aquiline Credit Opportunities

In the last 7 years, we went through several scares, feeling like lost children in the woods, but what kept us going was our belief in our Team Engagedly and our customers, who believed that this startup could help their organizations get better. It took us a year and over 100+ demos to get our first real customer. I used to tell myself, if a dog came to my door, I would at first give it a demo, then try to find its owner!

Fast forward, we grew to over 400 customers in 30+ countries and 100+ team members with no institutional investment, only by keeping our heads down and focusing on our customers.


Last week we closed our Series A with Aquiline, a large growth-capital firm based out of NY, who believed in ours and Team Engagedly’s vision to execute; to build a better workplace. 

A big thanks to our Team Engagedly who could have worked anywhere, with well funded or big brand companies, and our customers, who could have taken the safe route, but they all believed in our vision. 

Success is hardly a straight line! So Team Engagedly, strap on your seat belts. We are just getting warmed up!



Founding Team at Engagedly


Want to know about Engagedly’s performance management software? Request for a live demo!

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A Step By Step Guide To An Effective Employee One On One Meeting

Effective and frequent communication with team members is a problem commonly faced by managers these days. Remote and hybrid working has added on to the problem. When employees do not see open lines of communication with their manager or do not understand what is expected of them, they tend to quit. One on one meetings are here to fill that gap; these meetings help managers build a strong team and keep them motivated at work.

Leading organizations that identify the significance of communication at workplace have started using one on one meetings software for effective communication between managers and team members.

Importance of one on one meeting

According to Gallup’s comprehensive 2015 study, ‘The State Of The American Manager’, 50% of Americans have left a job “to get away from their manager”.

The survey also says that workers feel like they’re given little guidance for understanding what’s expected of them. Only 12% of workers strongly agreed that their manager helps set work priorities.

One on one meetings can be simply defined as standard scheduled time for managers to check-in with their direct reports. These meetings are important for both managers and direct reports because they ensure that both of them stay on the same page.

1 on 1 meeting with managers helps employees in:

  •         Keep track of team goals
  •         Discuss action plan with their team
  •         Stay aligned with direct reports’ goals
  •         Sharing ideas and concerns

Face to face meetings are very useful but they often end up being more disorganized than expected. How can you prevent this and make your one on one more productive?

Also Read: 5 Offbeat Leadership Qualities Leaders Should Possess

Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to have effective one on one meetings with your team and help them stay productive!

Things To Do Before One On One Meeting

Step 1: Schedule It On The Calendar

Setting the right schedule is crucial for everyone in one meeting. You cannot use a one-size fits all approach; the frequency of one-on-one’s depends upon the size of the team, size of the organization and on how experienced your team members are.

Inform the meeting details to your direct reports and stick to it. If this is your first one on one, let your team know about one on ones and how they can help them. As a manager, it is hard to stick to a schedule every month or week, but keep experimenting with the frequency of one on ones until you find the right pulse.

Step 2: Communicate the Agenda

Agenda is very important for every meeting. Communicate the agenda clearly to your direct report. Be sure of what needs to be communicated in the meeting.

Remember not to make the meeting about yourself; always make it about your direct reports. Ask them to come prepared with what they want to discuss in the meeting. This makes employees feel valued and keeps them motivated at work.

Also Read: Do These 8 Things To Improve Employee Engagement

Step 3: Create A Questionnaire

Productive meetings take preparation, so prepare for the meeting ahead with relevant questions for your team members. Remember that this meeting isn’t about their performance issues, so add questions about their working style, their long- term and short-term goals, etc.

Also, come prepared with a list of questions about the improvement of your organization, manager improvement and their own improvement.

During One On One Meetings

Step 4: Make the Discussion Informal

Start the meeting by catching up with your direct report informally. Try to informally ask about their current project and the progress that they are making on it. Before going into the details, make them feel comfortable.

Step 5: Go Through The Agenda and Discuss With Them

Listen to what your direct reports have to say about the meeting agenda. Ask them questions about their career development. This makes employees feel that you are invested in their career growth. It acts as a motivator at work.

Step 6: Create an Action Plan & Make It A Two Way Communication

Actively ask questions and listen to the concerns of your direct reports. Give them suggestions wherever necessary and ask for their opinions. Also, discuss and create an action plan for them. This action plan will help as a guide to achieving their work goals for the next quarter.

Also Read: Why Healthcare Administrators Should Set SMART Goals

Step 7: Document The Details

Document the highlights of the meeting. As a manager, it is hard to keep track of every face to face meeting you have, so document the highlights of each meeting you have with your direct reports. This will help you get started for the next meeting you have with them and you will miss nothing important from the past meeting.

Post The Meeting

Step 8: Follow Up With An Email

Once the meeting is over with your direct reports, send them a wrap-up email with the minutes from the meeting. Highlight the points of action discussed in the meeting. This will act as a point of reference for them for next time.

Step 9: Set Up The Next Meeting 

Following up with your employees is important for effective one on ones. This will help them be on track and also help you stay updated with their progress. It will help them stay engaged and be more productive at work.

Also Read: Employee Performance Reviews: A Guide For New Managers

Step 10: The Process Should be Recurring

For one on one meetings to be useful and effective, set it up as a recurring activity. Prepare a quarterly or half-yearly schedule and set it up on your and your employee’s calendar. Experiment with the frequency of the meetings to check what suits best. You can also use 1 on 1 meeting software to conduct them seamlessly. It will make the process simpler and help keep a track of all your meetings in a single place in a structured and organized manner.

Do you want to know how Engagedly can help you with effective one on one meetings? Request a demo from our experts!

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Why do you need a Real Time Performance Management Software

Covid-19 has changed the way we work today. We all know that! As everything turns virtual, it’s become necessary to have a performance management process in place. If cultivated right, it motivates and aligns employees to the company goals. For those many companies who are still using traditional paper- based processes to track and record performance management, it’s highly difficult to extract or collate data. Now that the world has moved to remote working, why not change with situation and embrace more efficient business processes?

Earlier, annual performance reviews were the indisputable norm, and it used to be dreaded by both the managers and the employees. Today, though, performance management has evolved tremendously, making it more flexible and inclusive. Traditional performance processes work fine when organisations are small or have a very simple review process. But once organisations get bigger, and job roles get more complex, there’s a need for software to enhance the process, or rather, to ease the process.

We would like to elaborate on how real-time performance management software can benefit your organisation. Here are the reasons:

Also read: Know What Features To Look For In A 360 Feedback Software

Easy to use:

Depending on the choice of software, a performance management software can be extremely easy to use. All the things required for a review cycle are in one place. Most of the processes are automated, and once the review information has been submitted – start dates, review templates etc, there’s not much else an HR manager has to do, except oversee the entire process.

Even better, HR managers don’t have to frequently remind employees to complete their reviews. Most software has built-in reminders that will urge employees to complete the review process. The software takes the burden off HR’s shoulders and instead allows them to focus on the outcome of performance reviews.

Integrated features:

If you think that a performance management software focus solely on the review processes alone, you are mistaken. They offer other features as well, such as the ability to share feedback, goals and objectives, an LMS, etc. All these features are often integrated so that when the review process is going on, users can view an employee’s complete profile, such as the feedback they have received, the goals they could complete, to what extent they could complete their goals, or even what new skills they have learned.

Performance management software offers a macro view of an employee’s performance and helps others make informed decisions during the review process.

Well-defined goals:

Imagine a situation, wherein a remote employee is expected to put in his or her 100% effort but is not sure what’s the end result of this. Do you think she or he will be able to put in the right kind of effort? Performance management software enables the company to have clear-cut goals, and make them visible to every employee. Every worker gets to see how their effort can help the company achieve higher-level goals.

When they see how they can make an impact at the individual level, it makes them want to strive harder. Managers can easily keep a track of their team performances remotely and can provide feedback accordingly.

Real-time information:

The best part about real time performance management software is, you can access data anytime, and it helps to make quick and efficient decisions. They provide old as well as new data in one place, for you to compare and understand patterns and identify any gaps or bottlenecks. It becomes easy to track the performance level.

Also read: How Important is Feedback in Today’s World?

Insights on performance:

Performance management software can provide a very insightful look at an employee’s performance. This is not just related to ratings and feedback they have received over the past years. Rather, many performance management software also offers performance analytics that track employee performance in graphical chart format, calculate leadership potential, etc. This way, you can also track how well an employee is performing.

These employee data can help others make informed review decisions when reviewing performance. And they can also help managers make compensation decisions or even promotion decisions.

Efficiency in control

When everything is in one place, a lot can become easier. Conducting the review process through performance management software offers HR managers greater control over the entire process. They can control when the cycle starts and when it ends, how many employees should participate in the cycle, etc. HR managers can also restrict review visibility, call back reviews etc, thereby also maintaining a fair and just review process.

As a manager, you have a ton of other responsibilities, other than just tracking your employees’ performance. So if you wish to be more efficient and handle things with ease, a performance management software is your go-to option.

Engagedly is offering a suite of products part of its Remote Work Toolkit free to any organisation, until Sept 30th, 2020. 

The Coronavirus has affected the way we work today and for months to come. Unprecedented events require unprecedented measures. We at Engagedly believe it is our responsibility as socially conscious corporate citizens to help equip organisations with additional tools and resources during this time of crisis.

Do you want to know how Engagedly can help you with seamless Performance Evaluation? Then request for a live demo.

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How Engagedly Can Help You Enhance Employee Engagement

We are all aware of the way the world has changed in the past 6 months. Work from home has become the norm, and keeping remote employees engaged and motivated is a challenge all organizations face today. Before we leap into the core topic, it’s important for you to understand the employee’s perspective.

75% of the world’s population of employees used to commute to their offices everyday, live a routine of movement and activity. Only about 7% of U.S. workers had the option to regularly work from home (source). However, with the outbreak of Covid-19, that scene has drastically changed. Now employees spend almost everyday at home, working remotely and hardly stepping out in the process. Movement and activity has reduced tremendously, along with face-to-face interactions with colleagues and leaders. From enjoying very active, healthy, and interactive schedule, to a shift in being homebound most of the time; a certain amount of physical, intellectual and emotional inertia is bound to set in. This can slow down organizational growth and in the long run, economical growth. That’s why employee engagement is of utmost importance today.

Also Read: Continuous Performance Management: A Necessity During COVID-19

We often come across interesting articles which convey that engaged employees can help you increase your organizational productivity. But larger organizations, more often than not, are still focusing on their deadlines and on getting the work done. They are forgetting that it is also important for employees to be enthusiastic about what they are doing. One engaged employee can contribute a lot more to organizational productivity than ten disengaged employees.

It is not a change that you can bring about overnight. It is a culture that should be fostered gradually by encouraging employees to participate and communicate more. What if, an application is exclusively dedicated to promoting engagement for your employees? Engagedly is a performance management software that drives a culture of engagement, even if your employees are working remotely.

Here are 5 reasons why you need Engagedly to drive employee engagement.

Continuous feedback

Impact and validity of feedback is very time-bound. If they are not shared immediately, they fail to direct employees in the right direction. Engagedly’s feedback feature normalizes the idea of giving and receiving feedback anytime throughout the year. Employees can request feedback whenever they want to. Engagedly also gives you an option to select the areas on which the feedback should be given.

Also read: 5 Best Tips To Reduce Employee Turnover

This allows all the employees in an organization to improve themselves constantly. This process of continuous feedback keeps employees driven throughout the year and not just before performance reviews; hence promoting employee engagement.

User can respond to Feedback Request

Social forum for ease of communication

Every employee is smart and exceptional in their own way. Having a platform to express their thoughts and opinions is a great motivator. Engagedly’s social feature allows employees to share posts, share ideas, request for help and share knowledge. Engagedly allows you to create interest groups and share documents and other material with colleagues. Encouraging employees to express themselves and interact socially makes your virtual workplace a communication-friendly space and helps employees remain engaged.

Objectives and Goals

With very less chances of personal interactions these days, we have to streamline the process of clear goal setting. Setting clear and distinct goals is very important to complete any task. Employees can create goals for themselves and their direct reports using the Engagedly goals module. As a manager or an HR, it is important to set clear goals for your employees so that everyone works towards a collective goal.

Engagedly also has an option to align individual goals with the organizational goals so that employees know how the success of their individual goals can contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals. In Engagedly, goals can also be reviewed by managers from time to time to check if their employees are on the right track.

Also read: Customize 360 Feedback Survey Questions According to Departments

Learning and development

Its needless to say that we’ve got to keep learning constantly. Otherwise we’ll not be able remain on the top of our game. No matter how old you are, what you do, keeping yourself up to date with the current industry trends is very important.

Video File Unit

Engagedly’s Learning feature helps you create new courses, and for each course an employee completes, they are awarded points by the course creator. When you assign courses to employees for their development, it motivates them because they know you are genuinely interested in developing them and improving their skills. When employees develop their professional skills, it boosts their self-confidence which in turn promotes an engagement culture.

Also read: These Features Can Make A Big Difference In A Goal Setting Software

Recognition and praise

This is an extremely important module, especially for today’s work culture. This can be considered another type of feedback. Receiving praise and recognition for their work is every employee’s dream. Engagedly’s public praise feature allows you to praise any employee publicly for the extra effort that they put in towards achieving a goal.

Praise An Employee

When employees go above and beyond to accomplish their goals, it is important to recognize their efforts and praise them. This keeps them motivated and engaged.

Engagedly is offering a suite of products part of its Remote Work Toolkit free to any organisation, until Sept 30th, 2020. 

The Coronavirus has affected the way we work today and for months to come. Unprecedented events require unprecedented measures. We at Engagedly believe it is our responsibility as socially conscious corporate citizens to help equip organisations with additional tools and resources during this time of crisis.

Want to know more about our software? Request for a FREE demo!

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Upgrade From Paper-Based Performance Reviews To Engagedly

Moving from traditional paper-based performance reviews to a performance management software can feel like a stressful experience, mainly because you are moving away from something that you know about to something that is new to you.

Continue reading “Upgrade From Paper-Based Performance Reviews To Engagedly”

Engagedly Ranked #2 On Top 10 Velocity Brands By Starr Conspiracy

On the back of their explosive growth of employee engagement solutions and performance management methodology, Engagedly has been ranked #2 on the list of top 10 Velocity Brands by The Starr Conspiracy. 

Continue reading “Engagedly Ranked #2 On Top 10 Velocity Brands By Starr Conspiracy”

A Glimpse At Engagedly’s Top 10 Blog Posts – 2019

Throughout the year, the Engagedly blog posts timely insights around employee engagement, performance management, and leadership. In case you missed it, below you can revisit ten of our top blogs from this year.  

Continue reading “A Glimpse At Engagedly’s Top 10 Blog Posts – 2019”

New Feature Launch: Engagedly Introduces Engagedly Academy!


Engagedly Launches Engagedly Academy For Its Users : This feature focuses on creating awareness about the HR industry trends and its best practices and familiarizes its users with Engagedly’s HR philosophy.

Continue reading “New Feature Launch: Engagedly Introduces Engagedly Academy!”

9 Actionable HR New Year Resolutions For 2019

The new year is already here and it is a popular time for everyone to set resolutions for the year.  The new year is an opportunity for both individuals and businesses to evaluate their past year and come up with a plan for the rest of the year.

Continue reading “9 Actionable HR New Year Resolutions For 2019”

Three Ways to Bring Gratitude to Work

In a setting where professionalism, polish and presentation are valued, a concept like “gratitude” or “appreciation” can feel out of place and uncomfortable.

But there are ways to bring those feelings to the office without it feeling forced. As a result, you’ll be happier and more successful. Continue reading “Three Ways to Bring Gratitude to Work”

5 Reasons To Start Using An HR Management Software For Your Business!

HR is one of the most crucial functions for any business, whether it is a startup or an established brand. Managing employees requires a lot of effort and is time-consuming. Using an automated HR management software smoothens the work-flow and has a variety of benefits.

Also Read: Know How To Make Remote Employee Check-Ins Effective

Using a software for HR functions like recruitment, accounts, and performance reviews has a positive impact on the company. If you are looking for one strong reason to start using a HR software for your business, we will give you five!

Continue reading “5 Reasons To Start Using An HR Management Software For Your Business!”