Understanding 360-Degree Leadership Assessment: A Complete Guide

Without effective leadership, businesses are nothing more than aimless meetups with people. It forms the crux of organizational success.

However, there is still much ambiguity surrounding the traits and aspects that make a good leader. Even though good and bad leadership and their respective outcomes are fairly evident, it’s hard to define and quantify them.

This may make you wonder how successful leaders keep growing. This has been made feasible by numerous attempts over the years at systems, frameworks, and tools.

One such framework that has received a lot of attention in management circles is the 360-degree leadership assessment. Due to its thorough evaluation of a leader’s effectiveness, it is becoming increasingly common in corporate settings.

Continue reading to learn about a 360-degree leadership assessment, how it works, its benefits, and how to maximize its use.

What is a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment?

The 360-degree leadership assessment, as its name implies, is an evaluation technique that collects input on a leader’s performance from multiple angles. This provides a comprehensive picture of a leader’s performance inside the company and includes peers, supervisors, direct reports, and perhaps even clients. Hence, the term “360-degree evaluation.”

Unlike traditional reviews, which only offer the perspective of a superior, this provides a variety of viewpoints and a clear picture of how a leader handles interpersonal dynamics and responds to different situations.

Also Read: 360 Degree Feedback: Definition | Benefits | Process

Benefits of a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment

Such an approach to leadership assessment at your organization provides many benefits and, when done right, can add substantial value in the long run.

1. Increased Self-Awareness

By assessing different perspectives from various colleagues, leaders gain a comprehensive understanding of their professional position. Besides, they are more likely to strive harder when representing themselves in professional settings, no matter who they are with.

It is often seen that leaders put on a different face when dealing with subordinates than with their own supervisors or superiors. They tend to drop the ball regarding cordial relationships with peers, all of which can be addressed with well-rounded feedback.

Most importantly, this helps build self-awareness with managers, leaders, or executives and ensures they do not lose the plot in professional settings, no matter who they are dealing with.

2. Improved Leadership Skills

Armed with detailed feedback, leaders can pinpoint specific areas that need development. For example, if feedback consistently points to challenges in conflict resolution, a leader can focus on building skills in this area.

This targeted development approach helps leaders improve areas that directly impact their effectiveness and team performance.

Great leaders are neither born nor trained; they are built on years of experience and continuous feedback. Someone who aspires to hone their leadership skills should seek robust feedback across all corners, whether it’s their subordinates, peers, or superiors.

The worst thing an organization can do, in all honesty, is not to push leaders to reach their full potential and hold them responsible for their leadership performance.

Companies like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and McKinsey generate a large number of C-suite executives for a reason: they have robust leadership development initiatives.

3. Enhanced Relationships

By implementing a 360-degree feedback system, you can do wonders for interpersonal relationships within your organization.

Such a system essentially compels leaders to be more open to and willing to receive feedback, not just from their peers and supervisors but also from their subordinates. This demonstrates humility and respect, boosting morale throughout the rank and file.

Over time, you’ll see progress toward an open, transparent, and communicative workplace that ensures any interpersonal frictions are dealt with immediately.

Also Read: 7 Essential Features of a 360 Degree Feedback Tool

How Does a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment Work?

The effectiveness of a 360-degree leadership assessment depends largely on how it is implemented. Thus, there is a set of practices to ensure the perfect results for your organization.

1. Anonymity and Confidentiality

Anonymity and confidentiality are essential, given the nature of this assessment. If fear of reprisals keeps subordinates from giving honest feedback to supervisors and superiors, it should be very obvious why.

If the participants in a 360-degree leadership assessment cannot provide open, sincere, and transparent feedback, the evaluation will lose its essence and intent.

2. Asking the Right Questions

The next step is crafting the right questions that truly measure the various competencies and leadership qualities that your organization values.

Many leading organizations even use external consultants or coaches to conduct this survey. This helps maintain total transparency and objectivity in the process while also helping track, analyze, and better interpret the results.

3. The Role of Human Resources

Irrespective of external consultants’ value, the role of in-house HR cannot be discounted altogether when it comes to a leadership assessment.

The HR team plays a crucial role in selecting the right respondents, distributing assessment tools, and collecting responses.

Apart from this, the task of analyzing and generating insights from the feedback received is also important. The consultant might help with this, but the in-house team decides on the right course of action based on the insights received.

4. Diverse and Structured Feedback

What makes such assessments so powerful is the fact that they receive input from across all rungs within an organization. This includes peers, supervisors, subordinates, and more, resulting in a well-rounded assessment.

This also makes feedback more structured, as opposed to the disorganized way it is routinely carried out in most organizations in informal settings, which makes it ripe for abuse, miscommunication, and hurt feelings.

5. Supportive Environment

Another key aspect of the 360-degree assessment is that it helps foster a supportive environment where all employees are nudged toward helping one another. Maintaining good relationships is key to progressing in their goals.

Also Read: 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Delivering 360-Degree Feedback

What to Expect in a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment Report?

Ideally, your organization’s 360-degree assessment report is detailed and well-structured, breaking down core areas that matter most to your firm. These include communication, teamwork, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence.

In addition, each area should include positive feedback alongside areas for improvement, with the option to include word-for-word comments from respondents. This should provide clear and actionable insights for leaders, which they can use to chart their development going forward.

Though the report should be honest and straightforward, it should maintain a sense of decorum so as not to come off as an attack on individuals. The key is to help leaders improve rather than criticize or demotivate them; all raters must be aware of this.

Tips for Getting the Most out of a 360-Degree Leadership Assessment

Leaders should adopt the right attitude and approach to maximize the benefits of a 360-degree assessment.  This must be done to add the most value to their respective careers and organizations.

Tip 1: Be receptive to criticism and resolute in pursuing professional and personal development.

Tip 2: Carefully consider the comments you’ve received, seeking out recurring themes and potential areas for development.

Tip 3: Consider developing a detailed action plan to address the feedback. This might involve setting specific, measurable goals for skill development.

Tip 4: Leaders can also consider working with a coach or mentor to help interpret the feedback and support the development of new skills and behaviors.

Also Read: Why 360-Degree Feedback is Essential: 10 Benefits You Need to Know


When used well and taken in the right stride, 360-degree leadership assessment can do absolutely wonders for an organization. It’s easy to set up and implement and doesn’t require extensive tools or solutions. Simple forms, spreadsheets, and report generators should do the trick.

The key, however, is the systems and processes that the evaluation team implements to ensure a transparent and anonymous process for hitting the targets to perfection.

If you are looking for the right tools, consider working with Engagedly, a leading talent management platform with extensive features covering everything you need for leadership assessment.

360-degree Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best 360-degree assessment for leaders?

Regarding the best 360-degree assessment for leaders, Zenger Folkman’s Extraordinary Leader is considered among the most effective models worldwide.

This is mainly owing to the actionable feedback it provides, alongside its focus on strengths and core competencies, helping develop good-caliber leaders.

2. What are the elements of leadership assessment?

Leadership assessments usually aim to assess six core traits of leaders, namely adaptability, discernment, communication, maturity, and resourcefulness.

3. What are the eight dimensions of leadership assessment?

Each leader and leadership style within an organization can be categorized across eight dimensions. These include commanding, pioneering, energizing, inclusive, resolute, affirming, humble, and deliberate.

360 Degree Feedback: Definition | Benefits | Process

What is 360-Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback is a performance evaluation method that gathers feedback from various sources surrounding an individual, providing a comprehensive view of their abilities and performance. It typically involves input from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes even external stakeholders.

This holistic approach aims to offer a well-rounded perspective on an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions within an organization. The feedback gathered from multiple angles helps in fostering personal and professional development, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting a more comprehensive understanding of one’s impact on the work environment.

Also Read: Importance of 360-Degree Feedback for Hybrid and Remote Employees

360-Degree Feedback System Process

Before you start, there are many things to think about when creating a 360-degree feedback process. The key steps to get you started on your planning, from defining the purpose to piloting the process, are listed below.

360 degree feedback system process

1. Clearly state your goal and plan

Nowadays, the use of 360-degree feedback is so widespread that it may feel as though your business is missing out if it isn’t already using one. However, you won’t know if your investment was worthwhile if you don’t make a strategic choice about what you hope to achieve with 360-degree feedback.

Therefore, before you get started, think about how a 360 feedback initiative ties into both your business and talent strategies.

Be sure to respond to these inquiries:

  • Do you need this? What business problem are you trying to resolve, and how can a 360-degree assessment help?
  • Why at this time? Why is this a top priority?
  • It is for whom? Who will get 360-degree feedback? Why is including this specific group essential to providing the best solution to your business problem?
  • What results do you hope your organizational 360-degree feedback initiative will produce?

2. Organize yourself

A 360-degree feedback implementation can be difficult. Despite improvements in data collection and reporting technology, many people still need to follow the rules for this to function properly.

When organizing the launch of a 360-degree feedback initiative, pay close attention to the ‘when’ and the ‘who’.

When: Create a calendar that details the deadlines, milestones, and ways that participants can keep track of their rater return rates as the process progresses.
Who: Think about who will perform the necessary duties, such as serving as your point of contact with the 360 vendors, your internal process administrator, and your participant point of contact.

3. Develop trust

People feel more comfortable giving frank and genuine 360-degree feedback in an environment that is psychologically safe and characterized by trust and openness.

It’s crucial to establish clarity right away. The confidentiality of the data and the anonymity of the rater responses need to be addressed. An organization does not own the results of an individual’s assessment, but it can view a group profile.

4. Obtain help

Keep in mind that a solid communication strategy is necessary for the implementation of the organizational 360 processes as you prepare to launch it. Ensure that administrative roles and procedures are clear in order to have a positive, long-lasting impact. Make a timetable that is reasonable and communicate it.

It is ineffective to simply send terse emails to every employee announcing the launch of a new program. Engage employees by announcing your organization’s new 360-degree feedback initiative in a compelling and distinctive way that goes beyond merely informing them about it.

5. Make a link to the growth

Assessment entails obtaining, analyzing, and discussing a 360-degree feedback report. However, development follows, and for organizations, development is the most important factor.
For the organization and the individual to maximize the effectiveness of implementing a 360 initiative, a process for developing a development plan, as well as support and follow-through, are required.

Also Read: 10 Employee Feedback Tools In 2023| Features| Pricing| Usage

Develop a productive organizational 360-degree process by:

  • Outline the objectives for the 360-degree feedback initiative
  • Discuss corporate and individual readiness
  • Create the procedure
  • Choose or create the tool
  • Identify and prepare participants
  • Organize the company
  • Conduct the evaluation
  • Analyze the findings and broaden your knowledge

The Benefits of 360-Degree Feedback System

A lot of people successfully use this feedback process. Here are some of the main benefits that businesses all over the world have experienced as a result of this strategy:.

benefits of 360-degree feedback

1. Improves Self-Awareness

This strategy aids in raising people’s awareness. When others offer feedback, a person receives a complete picture of themselves that is unbiased.

2. Offers a Complete Perspective of Strengths and Weaknesses

A 360-degree review is a fantastic tool for identifying a leader’s assets and liabilities. Employees typically receive feedback only from their supervisor, which results in a limited viewpoint.

The safe disclosure of those ’blind spots’ is one of the main purposes of 360-degree feedback. When they become weaknesses, these blind spots can hurt both the company and the leader.

Finding previously unidentified strengths can be very advantageous for the leader and the business. The key issue is that they need to be constructively brought to light because the leader is unaware of them.

Most growth happens when a person’s strength is revealed, and then efforts are made to strengthen it. Concurrent work on improvement areas can keep them from becoming a barrier.

3. Elevates Morale and Increases Confidence

Your leaders’ confidence can be raised significantly through this process. Positive criticism frequently helps leaders feel more confident about their abilities.

Even the company’s leaders might start to feel better. In the workplace, this raises morale. The important thing in this condition is that the criticism is given constructively.

4. Promotes an Open Culture

The procedure will be more transparent if leaders receive the necessary training before beginning. Individuals, teams, and environments that are more open can be more effective.

5. Gives Employees and Leaders More Power

It’s critical that managers and staff members feel heard. People quickly feel less empowered and disengage when they believe they have no voice in a situation.

Employees eventually start to believe that they don’t matter to the organization as a result of this. They will become disengaged and eventually leave if they are not given a voice and empowerment. Making sure that your employees are heard improves their motivation and sense of empowerment.

6. Lowers Employee and Leader Turnover

Open and constructive communication makes hidden problems more visible. Additionally, it gives your leaders and employees more voice and a sense of empowerment.

Plans for long-term development can focus on the issues that need to be solved. Because they feel valued and validated, your leaders and employees stay with the company.

7. Improves Accountability

The increased accountability provided by 360-degree feedback is one notable advantage. Through this procedure, leaders can effectively and constructively hold others accountable.

8. Serves as a Springboard for Efficient, Professional Growth

Individual leaders should begin with 360-degree evaluation feedback. Problems frequently fester and escalate in the absence of such a program. These systems, on the other hand, help identify areas for improvement.

9. Encourages Constant Improvement

The fundamental concept of continuous improvement is that it is an ongoing process. Despite the fact that both can contribute to growth, it prioritizes gradual change over revolutionary change.

This training is ideal for continuous improvement because it identifies areas for improvement. It does, however, provide a method for addressing them gradually.

10. It’s a Way to Alter the Culture of Your Business

Every individual must evolve, or they will become static. The same is true for businesses. They must adapt, or they will stay the same and be stuck in the past.
Corporate change is challenging to implement because it requires everyone to shift their paradigms.

This kind of transformation needs to occur internally. Before you notice a significant change in the organization, you must help your employees grow. 360-degree feedback is built on the idea that personal change leads to professional change.

Also Read: Want to Know Why Your 360-Degree Feedback Failed?

What can you use 360-Degree Feedback System for?

1. Using 360-degree feedback as a development tool to help staff members identify their ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’, and improve

When used correctly, 360 is a powerful tool for development. People have the chance to give anonymous feedback to a coworker that they might otherwise feel uncomfortable doing so through the feedback process. Recipients of feedback learn how others see them and have the chance to change their behavior and get the skills that will aid them in excelling at their jobs.

2. Using 360-degree feedback as a tool for performance evaluation to assess employee performance

Although it’s a common practice, using a 360-degree feedback system for performance appraisals isn’t always a good idea. When using 360 evaluations to assess performance, it can be challenging to design a 360 feedback process that fosters a culture of trust. Furthermore, rather than emphasizing fundamental abilities, functional requirements, and performance goals, 360-degree feedback emphasizes behaviors and competencies. The employee and manager should discuss these issues as part of the annual review and performance appraisal process. Unambiguous communication about how 360 feedback will be used is necessary for the integration of 360 feedback into a larger performance management process to be successful.

360-degree Feedback


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the pros of 360-degree feedback System at work?

Ans. Some of the advantages of using 360-degree feedback at work include:

  • Enhances organizational culture by providing an opportunity for discernment
  • Encourages improved communication
  • Increases employee retention

Q2. What is the effectiveness of the 360-degree feedback appraisal review system?

Ans. If used correctly, a 360-degree feedback appraisal review system can be very effective. People who fill out these forms must understand what type of information they require in order to provide it accurately.

Over time, it has been demonstrated that this type of evaluation process has a significant impact on employee engagement and performance. Employees are more likely to stay engaged with their jobs when they believe their work matters and that they are valued members of the team, which leads to higher levels of productivity and profitability for the company!

Q3. How do you implement a 360-degree feedback System?

Ans. Here are some suggestions for conducting 360-degree feedback:

  • Keep it private so that your employees are more likely, to tell the truth
  • Ascertain the managers are involved and committed to acting on the findings
  • Provide clear instructions to ensure that comments remain constructive
  • Remember to follow up once the results are in
  • Make a plan for following up on the follow-up to avoid this becoming a one-time event

The Ultimate Guide to 360-Degree Feedback in the Workplace

Research shows that positive or congratulatory feedback (clear, relevant, and honest) keeps employees motivated, engaged, and helps them perform better. 

Feedback can be a game changer for your organization. 

On the flip side, negative feedback can be harmful to the productivity of employees. It can put employees off the right track and make them feel disconnected from the organization.

According to Gallup research, four out of every five employees who receive negative feedback are looking for a job change. 

four out of every five employees who receive negative feedback are looking for a job change

How can managers then ensure the feedback process is effective and provides employees with the zeal to perform better? 

Enter 360-degree feedback

An unbiased multi-rater process with the potential to help employees recognize their strengths, weaknesses, skills, and personal attributes that help them achieve their goals. It also highlights the specific competencies that can be improved for performance enhancement.

The first commercial use of 360 degree feedback dates back to 1950, when Esso Research and Engineering conducted surveys to gather feedback from multiple sources and were able to create a process-driven performance management system. Over the years, it has gained wide acceptance and is used by the majority of organizations as an employee development tool.

In this article, we will discuss the intricacies of 360-degree feedback and unpack the following:

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback or multi-rater feedback, is a system wherein an employee gets feedback not just from their managers but from multiple stakeholders, both within and outside the organization. 

It is anonymous and confidential feedback shared by multiple raters, such as managers, peers, vendors, direct reports, subordinates, clients, consultants, and contractors, and includes employee self-evaluation. The important point to note is that all the raters involved in the feedback process have a working relationship with the employee being rated.

Commonly used as an employee development tool, 360-degree feedback helps employees gauge their own performance by taking feedback from multiple sources and providing them with actionable insights. The presence of multiple raters helps remove bias from the process and offers a clear picture of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses. 

The insights collected from the feedback process highlight the personal traits, attributes, behaviors, competencies, and skills that are required for performing the duties and thereby achieving organizational goals.

What is the Psychology Behind the 360 Degree Feedback Process? 

Feedback is crucial for the growth and development of employees. Multiple research studies have highlighted the importance of regular and structured feedback on the performance of the workforce. 

It has been substantiated that feedback helps employees understand their weaknesses and blind spots and provides them with the opportunity and processes to improve their performance. Furthermore, by highlighting the positive aspects of their performance, 360 feedback aids in improving employee morale and boosting motivation towards work.

There are certain aspects of performance that are not easily visible to the employee but can be easily gauged by the people working with them. By highlighting such specific personality traits and attributes that are important for the employee’s development, feedback assists them in achieving their highest potential.

In a traditional feedback system, organizations relied heavily on the judgment of the managers to provide insights into their team’s performance. But recent developments in the field of organizational psychology have shown that such a system is ineffective in bringing positive results. The traditional system is loaded with biases and can even hamper employees’ performance in the long run.

What is the Impact of 360 Degree Feedback?

benefits for employees: 360 degree assessment


360-degree feedback impacts every aspect of the organization. It helps in finding leaders in organizations, creates an environment of self awareness, trust, and loyalty, and increases workforce output in the long run.

The effectiveness of the multi-rater feedback system depends a lot on how it is implemented, and based on that, changes can be observed in the organization’s performance.

360-degree feedback has become ubiquitous; more than 85% of Fortune 500 organizations are now using it for multiple purposes.

Also Read: The importance of 360-degree feedback in healthcare industry

What are the Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback?

The benefits of well-thought-out and structured 360 degree feedback can be felt in different realms of the organization. Other than making employees more accountable for their development by highlighting their strengths and improvement areas, it helps in reducing attrition, establishing transparent and open communication channels, and encouraging more dialogue in the organization. 

The following are some of the upsides of having a 360 degree feedback system in the organization:

For Employees

Employees want more feedback from their employers. The changing technical landscape and short shelf life of skills are putting extreme pressure on employees to be much more involved in their learning and development. Furthermore, it helps employees improve their performance.

Research conducted by Gallup to understand the effect of regular feedback on the performance of employees found that 26% of employees strongly agreed that feedback helped them perform better in their job duties. 

360 degree feedback helps employees become more invested in their personal and professional growth and aids in achieving the following:

  • Increased self awareness
  • Promotes team participation
  • Identify training gaps
  • Team building
  • Enhances customer relationship
  • Unleash hidden strengths and potentials
  • Empowering employees
  • Boosts employee morale and confidence

360 degree feedback guide for HR leaders

For Employers

Providing meaningful feedback is the key to improving productivity and engagement in the workplace. Be it a remote, hybrid, or in-office setup, it is important that employers provide regular, relevant, and meaningful feedback to support their employees’ growth.

Employers can realize the following benefits with an efficient multi-rater feedback system:

  • Creating a positive brand image
  • Increased transparency in the organization
  • Create customized training programs
  • Improve work relationships
  • Improves employee engagement

360-degree feedback to employersSouce: Gallup.com

Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback

Even with all the brouhaha surrounding the 360 degree feedback, there are instances where multi-rater feedback fails to provide any benefits to organizations. 

While there are multiple reasons why omnidirectional feedback doesn’t work, most of it comes down to how the process was planned and implemented in the organization. Here are some of the other reasons why a 360-degree feedback system fails.

  • Improper planning
  • Lack of communication
  • Ineffective employee assessments
  • Not establishing the purpose of the process
  • Lack of confidentiality
  • Unable to get employees onboard
  • Not aligning the purpose with organizational objectives
  • No follow-up plan

All the aforementioned issues can lead to the failure of a multi-source feedback system. It is therefore important to discuss the disadvantages of 360-degree feedback before planning to implement it in the organization.

  • It can a tedious and time consuming process
  • Inaccurate assessments due to dishonest feedback shared by employees
  • Distrust among employees because of not following up on the feedback
  • Anonymity of feedback may prevent employees from taking it seriously
  • While positive feedback is known to promote engagement in the workplace, focusing too much on the negative aspects can lead to the opposite

What is the 360 Degree Feedback Process? (How to Implement a Multi-Rater System)

Careful planning and implementation are necessary for 360-degree feedback to harbinger accurate results. Organizations should first understand the purpose of implementing a multi-rater feedback system, whether it is to enhance employee engagement, productivity, or development, or to focus on other key business areas. 

It is important to have experienced leaders who are well versed in the planning, strategy, and implementation processes to get multi-source feedback started in the organization. 

The following section highlights the 360 degree feedback process steps required to deploy it in the organization:

    • Management support: The first step is to get the management onboard. As employees look out to their leaders for motivation and involvement, getting support from the leadership team will propel the process in the right direction.
    • Establish the purpose of the feedback: Create a document highlighting the outcomes you wish to achieve by implementing the feedback process.
    • Create a rule book: A rule highlighting the process should be created and circulated in the organization. It is up to the discretion of the management to establish but the following things goes without saying: Anonymity, Confidentiality, and Behaviour over character.
    • Get employees onboarded: Communicate employees regarding the process and explain them the process with benefits in detail.
    • Determine competencies to be measured: Select 360 competencies to be assessed and use behavioral indicators for evaluation. Please note that based on the purpose of the assessment, the competencies will vary.
    • 360 degree feedback software: A 360-degree feedback software helps in efficient implementation of the process and provides a customizable dashboard to visualize the results. It further helps in analyzing and creating customized reports that can be shared directly with employees.
    • Provide customized reports: Provide detailed reports to employees with a plan of action to act on the insights created by the feedback process.
    • Follow up: Managers need to follow up with employees on the 360 degree assessment report and plan out strategies to get things in action.

Refer to the below infographic for quick access to the 360-degree feedback process in organizations.

How to implement 360-degree feedback?360 Degree Feedback Best Practices Guidelines

There is no one-size-fits all approach to creating a 360 degree feedback system in an organization. It requires a thorough analysis and a good understanding of the industry, employees, and organizational culture to get the most out of the multi-rater feedback process.

The following best practice guidelines should be at your disposal to seamlessly implement the multi-source feedback process:

  • Frequency of the feedback: Depending upon the purpose, your organization should set the frequency of conducting the feedback. For employee development, the frequency should be annual to give time to employees to reflect upon the suggested plan of action.
  • Focus area: A 360-degree feedback offers insights into multiple aspects of a business. It is important to decide upon the areas that need to be addressed on priority. A feedback process with no focus areas will only result in demotivated workforce and a waste of resources.
  • Don’t plan out the feedback process in silos: Everyone in the organization should be included in the feedback process to derive benefits out of it.
  • Framing the right questions: Depending on the focus area, you need to frame the questions to get the genuine and unambiguous feedback from employees. If the focus area is to get feedback on the leadership team, the questions will differ drastically if the focus area would be employee development.
  • Follow up with employees: The reason why employees do not take the feedback process seriously is because either the management does not take any action on the feedback received or it does not bother following up with employees. It is not sufficient to just conduct the feedback process and provide employees with an action plan. Following up is part of the process and should be planned accordingly when deploying the multi-rater feedback process.
  • Number of competencies to be selected: It is best to have 4-5 workplace competencies with 30-40 behavioral indicators in a multi-rate feedback. Adding more competencies can make it feel like a burden to employees and reducing them will lead to data insufficiency. 
  • Linking multi-raterFeedback to performance appraisal: Linking 360-degree feedback to performance appraisal can completely undermine its purpose of employee development. Imagine an organization where peers, vendors, and contractors provide inaccurate ratings to support the reviewee in performance reviews.

Refer to the below infographic on the best practices for 360 degree feedback to effectively plan and execute it in your organization.

Quick tips on 360 degree feedback

360 Degree Feedback Questions

Drafting the right 360 degree feedback questions is important to get accurate feedback from employees. You have to keep in mind the purpose of the process, the competencies to be assessed, and the clarity of the questions to solicit genuine and actionable feedback from the workforce.

360 Degree Feedback Questionnaire for Managers

The following questions will help evaluate the specific competencies of a manager:

  • Is the manager able to inspire others in the team?
  • Do they take corrective actions without coming across as rude to team members?
  • How well does the manager distribute their time among several projects?
  • Do they provide help and support to the team members?
  • How good is the manager at solving problems?
  • Is the manager able to work under pressure?
  • How good is the decision-making process of the manager?
  • How well does the manager understand organizational objectives?

360 Degree Feedback Questions for Leadership

It is important to assess leadership skills using different parameters and provide employees with input to enhance their abilities. The following questions will help gauge their leadership strengths and weaknesses:

  • Is the employee good at collaborating with other members of the team?
  • Do they take the initiative to solve others’ problems?
  • Do they respect others’ opinions and feedback from the team?
  • Are they open to discussing problems and finding solutions collaboratively?
  • Do they encourage others in the team to do quality work?
  • Are they inspiring and motivating?
  • Are they producing good results in the projects they are working on?
  • Do they supervise others effectively when required?
  • Are they good at leading people?

360 degree assessment for organizations

360-Degree Feedback Template

To carry out the feedback process effectively, it is imperative to have a thoughtfully laid out, researched, and customizable template. 

Engagedly’s 360-degree feedback form template encompasses multiple competencies that will enable you to find leaders in the organization and provide input for improvement plans. You can also customize the template by selecting the required competencies along with the behavioral indicators.

Download 360 Degree Feedback Form Template

360 Assessment Certification

A 360 assessment certification prepares leaders, HR managers, consultants, and 360 assessment administrators to effectively plan, strategize, and deploy the multi-rater feedback process in the organization. 

This certification prepares you to analyze the results, prepare reports, and provide actionable and data-driven recommendations for enhancing workforce productivity.  

After going through Engagedly Academy’s Building & Designing Your 360 Degree Feedback Tool Certification, you will be able to do the following:

  • Learn the importance of a well-designed 360 feedback process
  • Uses of 360 degree feedback
  • Design and build your feedback tool

Get Your 360 Assessment Certification Online

How Does 360 Degree Feedback Software Help?

A 360 degree feedback software like Engagedly seamlessly integrates the whole process of planning, strategizing, and deploying multi-rater assessments. It helps in executing the performance management strategy by providing regular, effective, and actionable feedback and further substantiating the growth and development of employees. 

Through interactive dashboards and quick analysis of assessments, it provides personalized and action-packed reports to employees. With Engagedly, you can conduct a 360 process for leadership assessments, competency assessments, and even client feedback.

The Engagedly 360 Degree Approach

Even the best-performing and self-aware individuals fail to see their strengths and weaknesses in their work and workplace behaviors. The purpose of a well-designed 360 degree assessment is to understand and coach individuals and leaders on their areas of strengths and opportunities so that they can be effective in their organization.

Engagedly’s expert practitioners work with you to design, execute, analyze and provide insight and coaching on customized 360’s for your organization. The table below highlights the various activities, descriptions, and the time allotted for each activity for conducting the assessment.

Activity Description  Time Allotted To Complete
360 Goals and Plan Develop goals and a plan to execute a 360 assessment 1-2 Weeks
Launch Communicate the purpose, conduct a webinar and launch 360 1 Week
Analyze Results Collect results, analyze and develop a report readout 2 Weeks
Coaching Plan Develop a coaching plan for each individual based on the results 1-2 Weeks

Concluding Words

The importance of feedback cannot be undermined in the current business scenario. It is critical for the learning and development of employees and for organizations to stay ahead in a competitive global market. By making employees accountable for their own growth, 360-degree feedback helps improve productivity, engagement, and efficiency of the organization. 

360 degree feedback demo

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a 360-degree feedback method?

Ans. 360 degree feedback is an employee assessment or evaluation process wherein employees receive feedback from multiple sources, including their manager, direct reports, and peers. It is unbiased, confidential, anonymous, and holistic feedback.

Q2. What is the central feature of a 360-degree feedback system? 

Ans. The central feature of a 360-degree feedback system is the use of multiple raters to solicit feedback about an employee’s skills, competencies, behaviors, and traits. This feature keeps the feedback free from any sort of bias or inconsistency.

Q3. What should be included in 360 degree feedback?

Ans. A typical 360 degree feedback process should include the following competencies: 

  • Leadership capabilities
  • Management skills
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Team work
  • Work relationships

Q4. Who can give 360 feedback?

Ans. In 360 feedback, an employee receives reviews on their performance from their manager, direct reports, peers, vendors, contractors, and clients. It is worth noting that raters should have direct working relationships with the employees being evaluated.

4 Competencies That You Must Include In A 360 Degree Feedback Form

To utilize 360 degree feedback effectively in an organization, it is important to design a handy feedback form for the entire process. To help you with the questionnaire, we have listed 4 most important 360 competencies that you must add to your 360 degree feedback form.

Continue reading “4 Competencies That You Must Include In A 360 Degree Feedback Form”

Importance of 360 Degree Feedback for Hybrid and Remote Employees

Some observe that certain large, well-known organizations such as General Motors Co., Citigroup, Ford Motor Co., Nationwide, and IBM have adopted a hybrid model of working as they see it as the trend of the future. Having mentioned this, there are many other companies that are going fully remote. Currently, both trends are gaining traction after the pandemic. The hybrid system is becoming a more accepted form of a working model, as it allows an employee to work from home on certain days and go to the office on the remaining days. 

Also, as aforementioned, there are many employees who want to work from home. It is expected that most of the workforce will prefer to work remotely by 2028. Thus, remote and hybrid models of working are growing in popularity and are here to stay.

Hybrid/remote working models: Overcoming the challenges

Though hybrid and remote working models are necessities of the present times, organizations will have their own set of challenges in training employees for these models. One of the major challenges is providing constant feedback to the team members to ensure that all are on the same page. This is where a 360 degree review survey can be a handy review system that would ensure that timely feedback is provided to the employees, irrespective of adopting any working model. 

One can also use a 360-degree feedback software as offered by Engagedly, which offers the feature of providing real-time feedback to employees who work in a hybrid or remote work environment.

This blog post will focus on what is the 360 degree feedback process; why opt for a 360-degree feedback system for hybrid and remote employees? How to employ a 360-degree feedback system in hybrid and remote environments, and its benefits.

Understanding 360 degree feedback and its significance 

360° feedback system focuses on employees’ feedback; colleagues’ feedback; a manager’s feedback, and customers’ feedback. One of the best aspects of the 360° feedback mechanism is that it is impartial as it offers feedback from all avenues. 

The 360-degree feedback system plays a big role in identifying and nurturing future talents; bringing collaboration among the employees and managers, and fostering an open and transparent workplace culture. 

In the present hybrid and remote working age, a 360-degree feedback method provides employees with the required insights into their performance and helps them to improve themselves, aligned with the company’s objectives.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About 360 Degree Feedback

Importance of a 360-degree feedback survey for hybrid and remote employees

Managers can bolster hybrid and remote employees’ productivity in several ways by using the 360-degree feedback review mechanism, as described below:

Understanding team’s concerns and suggestions: 

A company can lose billions of dollars in profits if it ignores disengaged employees’ concerns and feedback. This is where a 360-degree feedback system can help a manager understand his team‘s concerns and suggestions so that the team‘ productivity can give consistently increasing outputs. As per a research study, employees who feel their voices are heard are more likely (4.6 times) to feel encouraged and would give their best efforts. This holds true for both hybrid and remote employees.


The current workplace scenarios are such that a lot of work has to be done in less time period. In such situations, employees may get stressed and may not have enough time to spend time with their families. This is where managers can act as a coach so that employees can learn to complete their work in less time and maintain a work-life balance. 

Thus, the 360-degree feedback system helps managers to identify if an employee is finding it difficult to balance or draw a line between his personal and professional life. 96% of employees are of the thoughts that caring and empathic managers can increase employee retention.

Understanding the level of employees’ stress: 

There will be a high level of absenteeism in the workplace if employees are overworked and they have the feeling of being isolated and disengaged. This is highly prevalent in a remote working model wherein the employees feel they have to work more to prove to their efficiency and productivity to their managers. 

With the use of 360-degree feedback review, managers will come to know about the level of stress experienced by an employee, through the employee himself and his colleagues. Managers can guide the remote employee and address his fears.  

Eliminating the biased nature of the feedback system:

Sometimes, unfortunately, hybrid or remote employees may not get the desired reviews or may be the subject of biased reviews from the managers for their performance. This may happen as managers may not be aware of the remote or hybrid employees’ contributions as much as they have knowledge about in-house employees’ contributions. So remote employees can feel helpless and isolated, and they may leave the company. 

When a 360-degree feedback system is implemented, it can eliminate such a biased nature of the review, as colleagues and clients take part in the review process.

Implementing a 360-degree feedback process for hybrid and remote teams

A 360-degree feedback process is undoubtedly an effective means of enhancing employees’ performance and productivity. However, this is only possible if you implement the 360-degree review process correctly. You can follow the below techniques to implement the 360-degree feedback process for hybrid and remote teams.

Face-to-face approach:

The best way to communicate with your employees is by talking to them face-to-face. Sending feedback through emails can be cold and impersonal and may give a feeling to the employees that their managers aren’t open to the idea of addressing their issues. 

Sending feedback through the email over a longer duration can make employees feel they are not a part of the team and their contribution to the company is insignificant. Thus, it is always better to talk to the employee on a one-to-one basis during the review process. For remote employees, a face-to-face conversation can be carried out over a video call embedded within a 360-degree performance review software.

Agenda for 360 degree feedback process:

The agenda of the 360° feedback review process should be made clear to the employees so that they feel that the review process is for their own good. If your employees don’t understand the scope and purpose of the survey, there is a possibility that they may shy away from sharing the relevant information with you. Thus, before the review process, communicate to the employees that this feedback will improve their performance and help them reduce their workload and stress. For remote employees, you can use performance review software for conveying the agenda.

Anonymous review system:

Most of the companies implement a 360-degree feedback system in an anonymous fashion so that employees may not have to fear their feedback will be leaked out of the discussion room. For implementing the anonymous review feedback, use Engagedly’s 360-degree performance review software which allows the employees to share their feedback and concerns with their higher management on the software itself.

Eliminating favoritism: 

There is always a possibility that a manager may prefer certain employees for promotion over others, which may lead to a biased review. When performance review is conducted using a performance review software that allows feedback to flow in from managers, colleagues, and clients, it can prevent such biased decisions. Interestingly, a system like this should also help employees to bond better, since employees who deserve credit will receive appreciation from their colleagues.

Simplifying the feedback:

You, as a manager, need to ensure that your feedback is easy to understand for your team members. This is possible when you use a 360-degree performance review software that allows you to demonstrate your ideas for improvements using charts and graphs. Once you have explained the areas of improvement to your team members, you can explain a defined plan for their self-improvement and suggest baseline employee performance for the company’s growth.

Understanding what is working and what is not working:

The 360° feedback review system would help managers to understand what processes are working and what are not working and, they can tweak them so that the overall productivity increases. Importantly, the feedback review system would bring better transparency and would make communication among employees easier within hybrid or remote work models.

Also Read: How To Conduct An Effective 360 Degree Feedback?

Benefits of 360° feedback review system for hybrid and remote employees

Given below are some benefits of using the 360° feedback review system for hybrid and remote employees.


A 360-degree feedback system helps employees to understand when they are going wrong and how they need to improve. They come to know the areas for improvement from their managers, peers, and clients. This way they can self-understand their limitations and develop their skills as per the company requirements. Further, employees become more productive and efficient because of self-awareness. 

Enhance communication and collaboration 

Since the covid-19 outbreak, communication and collaboration have been challenging for various businesses. Managers and subordinates find it difficult to build close relationships when working remotely. Sometimes, managers make use of certain jargon during a long-distance video call that employees may not understand. Here is where 360-degree feedback can help managers to understand various communication challenges that employees face and jargon that should be avoided so that it doesn’t cause problems for the employees. 

Eliminate biases

Remote or hybrid working employees may feel that employees who work on the site daily often receive more benefits than them. This kind of perception may affect the overall productivity of the company. In order to avoid such circumstances, managers can make use of a 360-degree feedback system to provide clear communication and maintain transparency among employees.

Bring cohesiveness

360-degree feedback evaluates an employee’s performance individually and as a team. The 360-degree evaluation ensures that employees’ efforts are aligned with the company’s mission, objectives, and vision. 

Develop strong leadership skills

360-degree review surveys are meant not only for employees but also for managers too. Reviews offered by employees help managers to improve their leadership skills. Through anonymous survey platforms as offered by Engagedly’s performance review software, employees need not fear about their reviews being read by managers. Thus, employees can freely express their opinions regarding a manager’s team handling capability and performance to higher management. This may help managers to develop even their own leadership skills.

Improve employee engagement

Engaged employees can be highly efficient and productive. They’re even ready to go that extra mile to achieve their goals. With the use of a 360-degree feedback survey, you can get to know as a company what you should do so that employees will be highly engaged and motivated to do their jobs. Again here, you can make use of Engagedly’s performance review software to carry out anonymous surveys.

Also Read: 10 Benefits of 360-degree feedback

Summing up:

As hybrid and remote work environments become more prevalent, 360-degree feedback should become the norm. Management needs to adopt an innovative technical solution, such as Engagedly’s 360-degree performance review software, to understand the challenges faced by the employees and boost their performance.

Our 360-degree performance review software gives employees and their managers insight into their progress toward goals and key results. The solution can also help you to break down a larger goal into smaller ones that can be tracked and monitored. This would ensure that the employees are making advancements in the right direction. 

Want to know how Engagedly can help you manage your hybrid employees better? Request us for a demo.

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Everything You Need To Know About 360 Degree Feedback

When you initially introduce 360-degree feedback in your organization, most of your employees might be reluctant to participate. Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know About 360 Degree Feedback”

Why 360 Degree Feedback Programs Fail?

There is no feedback program that is as comprehensive as the 360 degree feedback program. When it is carried out correctly, it is both successful and useful.

Continue reading “Why 360 Degree Feedback Programs Fail?”